March 11 - Another successful demonstration of student voice and respectfulness


Thank you for your support, understanding, and appreciation for our students. Today's protest and our response to it felt like another reason to be proud and happy to work in this school. Thanks for all you do for our kids. 


This Week's Link(s):

We are already a few week's into March, so this resource is a little late. This video was produced by PA students last year to recognize Women's History Month (MARCH). You may find it useful for your classes or TA. 



CONFERENCE UPDATE: Please be sure to review the email sent my John Meyer on
3/4 with details for how to view your conferences. And....while we are encouraging in-person conferences, some parents have requested virtual conferences. In this case, *'if you are meeting virtually with a parent, please use Google Meet and share the meeting link with the parent prior to the conference. As you may notice once in the platform, Meet the Teacher has a built-in video conferencing platform for virtual conferences but we will not be using it for this round of conferences.'*

Reminder - big supply of COVID Testing Kits are available for your use in the main office or nurses office. 

FULL TIME SUB; Carrie Slaimen has returned (yeah) as our full time substitute. 

Library Closure: The library will be closed during SBAC testing, schedule below, to ensure a secure testing environment.



3/14: Best Practice   3pm Library

3/15: SBAC Training & Testing Begins

3/17: Early Release, 
Conferences from 3-5pm
3/18: Conferences from 9am-3pm

3/26 - High School 1Act Festival begins (PA @ LUHS)

4/2:  PA Students Participate in Science Olympiad

4/5 - Art Show 6pm 
High School Concert 7pm (Aud)

4/18-4/22: Spring Break

Athletic Calendar - Spring Sports start next week


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:     ;Announcements

Friday: Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Marketing students speaking with the head of marketing at Darn Tough Socks. 



I can't believe no one guessed that Matt Yoskowitz is the published author among us. (Actually no one guessed at all, does anyone read the notes anymore???). Congrats to Matt who helped to author, Squidbooks: Life Science, which recently won the TAA (Textbook & Academic Authors Association) 2022 Most Promising New Textbook Award (K-12). The awardees will be recognized during an awards ceremony on Friday, June 17, 2022 in Indianapolis, IN.
Congrats to 11th Grader Shelby Wells, who, once again, was named to the Vermont Div 3/4 Girls Basketball DREAM DOZEN. (AKA- Best Hoopers in the state) 

Happy Birthday

Rita Ciambra- 3/23


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