March 18 - A Pie for a Pi


The Up for Learning - School Culture student and teacher group is finally up an running. We had a great start Thursday afternoon. Stay tuned for updates on some long term thinking and projects from this group that will help inspire and engage positive growth in school culture. 


A few thoughts on the crisis in UKRAINE: The Ukrainian crisis is on our minds and hearts. I know this is impacting people in different ways throughout our school community and across our region/world. I've seen many examples of you addressing and covering this topic with your students and each other. Thank you for taking on yet another unexpected and unscripted challenge and tough topic with your students. 

While most of our attention and thoughts are rightfully focused on the people directly effected by this crisis, I want to remind you that 'how this crisis impacts you' is also important to me and our community. We have a great support staff that is available to you to help you sort out any emotions, frustrations, confusion, etc. Most of these people are located in the main and guidance offices, but each of you have also proven to be excellent sound boards to each other. Please reach out and continue to check on each other and let our counselors know if you think someone needs an extra boost. 

Often, in times likes these, doing something is helpful. Below are links to some organizations that are currently helping in this crisis. If you have other ideas and think some us at PA would like to take action, please let me know and we can think through a communication and action plan. 


This Week's Link(s):

Below are some links to some potential aid charities who are helping

Ukrainians  and others directly involved in the crisis. When you open a link, scroll down to see their work: 

- Doctors without Borders

- International Rescue Committee 

- Mercy Corp




Quarter 3 Grading Timeline


3/21: Best Practice   3pm Library

3/21 - Math SBAC starts today....

3/24 & 25 - 1Act Performance at PA - 7pm
3/26 - High School 1Act Festival (PA @ LUHS 1:30pm)

Be sure to check out the Woman's History timeline by the library. 
4/1 - Quarter 1 Ends

4/2:  PA Students Participate in Science Olympiad

4/5 - Art Show 6pm 
High School Concert 7pm (Aud)

4/18-4/22: Spring Break

Athletic Calendar - Spring Sports just practicing right now...


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:   Bingo sheets due; Announcements

Friday: Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

SBAC off and running....thank you to the MANY people helping to make it go smoothly and effectively, especially TARAH and KAREN P. 

Fine Metal students in action



Congrats to Karsten, Lesley and our amazing bridge builders who won 1st and 2nd place at the statewide competition last week at VT Tech College....and another new record was set by Peoples Academy students. 
The team of Josie Simone, Anna Isselhardt, Noble Beerworth, Jacob Fougere, Gavin Bouchard, Elias Lucier carried 7,501.9 pounds. The team of Gabbie Schaffer, Gigi, Calhoun, Phoenix Masten, Lucy Nigro  held 3,141 pounds. The next closest school's bridge held 400 pounds. 

Happy Birthday

Rita Ciambra  Mar. 23


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