May 20 - Thank you for your SERVICE today!


Thank you Kate Toland for leading the charge with NHS to organize service day and Spring Fling. This was a lot of work and it was an important day for our students; both to give back to our community and to simply have fun with each other. Thanks to everyone for your support, giving up class time, and for being with students in new ways today. 


This Week's Link(s):


The Unofficial DRAFT form of June In-Service



Evening of Appreciation:  Remember to RSVP for June 15th at Trapps Family Lodge.


5/23 Best Practice   3pm Library

5/24 - TA Step Up with 8th Graders

5/25 - GREEN & GOLD 

5/26 - Staff closing party 3-5 Black Diamond BBQ

5/27 - Memorial Day Observance, Schedule

5/31 - 6/1 - Senior Trip, Brighton State Park

6/1 - GREEN & GOLD 

June 1 - Alchemist Teacher Appreciation Event - 4-6 pm


6/8 - GREEN & GOLD 

6/12 - Baccalaureate

6/13 -  FINAL Best Practice   3pm Library

6/14 - Last Day of School - Last Chapel

l6/15-16 - In-Service 8:30 - 3:30

6/15 - LSUU Parent Appreciation Party 4-7 at Von Trapp's in Stowe

6/16 - PA Graduation

Athletic Calendar


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Tuesday 5/24 - Welcome 8th graders activity, Flex sign up, Announcements


 Last TA's - Tuesday May 31 & FRIDAY, JUNE 3rd


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Scavenger Hunt

....more from Prom



Congratulations to our 20 new members of NHS. Thank you Kate and Jen for organizing the Induction Ceremony, facilitating the selection process, and helping to lead these students. 

Congratulations to juniors Anna Urquhart (Snow White),  Keira Walker (The Evil Queen and Joslyn Cutler (Huntsman) who are starring in this weekend's Dance Performance at NVU's Dibden Theatre. 

Happy Birthday

Suzanne Kempe  May 20

Phil Grant  May 21

Gary Sinnott  May 25

Dan Gilbert  May 27


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