9/8: Heat Wave


PASC members recruiting at Open House - see below for info on this year's Musical

Thank you for another strong week - despite the environmental challenges. As I float around the building and fields I see engaged students, upbeat staff, and lots of peer to peer support. It's great to see and fell the positives vibes. Have a great weekend. 


Quote of the Week: 

Way to go everyone, you gracefully withstood a rough heat wave this week. Thanks for your persistence and patience. Be sure to stop by the office/front stairs after school today for a cool treat! 


This Week's Link(s):

Prelude to Monday (worth a quick refresher): Joelle Van Lunt Slides 



Tardy - We are trending, on average, around 12 student tardies period 1 and 10+/- combined in the remaining periods of the day. We have processed more than 50 individual student meetings and followed up with families of repeat offenders. We are working hard to emphasize the importance of being on time at PA.  Please let us know if you are seeing a pattern with a student that you think might be going unnoticed or unaddressed. We know we are not perfect and haven't gotten to everyone yet. 


Cell Phones - it appears that cell phones are mostly a non-

issue during instruction time. We know there are some challenges in places and are working with individual students and teachers. To date, we have ONLY FIVE reported students who have needed to leave their phone in the office. But, these are all from the same teacher, so I'm assuming there are more out there. Please let the office know ASAP if you are seeing a pattern of cell phone misuse with a student - we are here to help and want to help us all stay on top of this topic. 


Flextime: Flex continues to remain productive & organized Learning Culture. As we go into next week, the final week* of assigned flex, please continue to maintain the great academic learning environment. We've worked hard to build this expectation, let's all work together to keep it rolling. 
*Now that we've seen how flex can be productive, we may need to reconsider how we assign and organize flextime. If you are interested in this conversation, please let me know and I'll put together a meeting - or come to the next Leadership Team meeting 9/19 3pm. 


ALL NEW PA GEAR!  NOW is the time to order your PA Gear for the year. It is live and ready to be shopped. It is a fundraiser so 10% of every purchase will go to the PA Boosters Club. https://kevinsmithsports.chipply.com/PEOPLESSPFALL23/?apid=4743803&acid=787472

Hurry and make your purchases today order DEADLINE is September 13th and orders are estimated to arrive October 12th. 


9/9 - 1st Home Boys Varsity game 11am Upper Deck

9/11 - Best Practice 

9/14 - Egress Drill, Period 2

9/15-17 - Rosh Hashanah

9/18 - Best Practice 

9/24-5 - Yom Kippur

9/27 - Lockdown Drill, Period 3

10/2 - Best Practice 

10/3 - Tentative All School Trip to Elmore Mt St Park

10/9 - Indigenous Peoples Day - No School

10/13-14 - Homecoming & Bonfire


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Be sure to submit your challenge
Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday: Announcements - Complete Challenge # 1

Friday: Flex sign up - Script;  Announcements

Next Week: TA Selfie Competition coming up...


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Students in World History 1



Happy Birthday

Dan Bruce  Sept. 9

Bill Slocum  Sept. 15


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