9/15 - First Full Week


Students focused on lab work in Chemistry

Students are focused and working, phones are away, tardies are down, spirits are up, and the sun is out. Things are going well. And, of course, right on schedule (week 3), we're starting to see 'push back' on our expectations by some students here and there. We're heading in to the forth week of school. Things are getting harder and we're all getting a little tired (maybe not all of us). Stay strong! You are doing awesome! Thank you for your hard work. Stay commmitted to our collective efforts, your hopes, and goals as we head deeper into the school year and specfically, into new flex sessions next week. There is a short break coming up that will offer some time to re-energize and step back. 


Quote of the Week: 

“The trick to remembering is to almost forget.”

            Nicky Case on retrieval practice (see below)


This Week's Link(s):

If you want to win the prize at Monday's Best Practice....read this: Grant Wiggins - 7 Keys to effective Feedback  (or just skim it)



Flex Dept Meeting Dates

Clubs: As the year progresses we are hopeful that students will engage in and generate Clubs here at PA.  If you are planning on starting or restarting a club (as an advisor) please register it by using this form.  Each club must have a faculty advisor associated with it.  Any questions, please contact the office. 

Flu Clinic:  We will be hosting a Flu Vaccine Clinic on October 5th from 11:00-2:00, location TBD.  Get your shot if you haven't already. Make sure to bring your insurance card.


9/11-29 - STAR Assessment

9/15-17 - Rosh Hashanah

9/18 - Best Practice 

9/19 - School Photos

9/19 - Leadership Team Meeting Library 3pm 

9/24-5 - Yom Kippur (No School Monday 9/25)

**10/2 - Best Practice **

10/3 - Tentative All School Trip to Elmore Mt St Park

10/5 - Flu Clinic

10/9 - Indigenous Peoples Day - No School

10/13-14 - Homecoming & Bonfire

Opening Day for PA Golf


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday (9/19):  Check Flex - Academic Check in; Announcements; Selfie Contest

Friday (9/22): Check Flex - Academic Check in; Announcements: Selfie Contest

Tuesday 9/26 - Community Meeting 


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Healthy Lamoille Valley Breakfast and Action Planning: Tobacco/Nicotine/Vape Prevention

PA students participated in a morning session of action planning to prevent and reduce youth substance use and increase the overall health and well-being of our youth. Students looked into the local conditions and root causes of youth and young adult tobacco/nicotine/vape use and identified strategies to prevent first use and support treatment and cessation.

Current Events

Shaun running the show in his new space



We completed our first NEW LOCATION evacautation drill and everyone cooperated. Thank you. We learned a few things and will be communicating soon about how to improve our positioning outside. Stay tuned - we did great, and we're going to do even better next time. 

Happy Birthday

Bill Slocum  Sept. 15
Rachel Squires  Sept. 17


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