September 22 - Don't Stop Be-Leafing


Students in French class atop Elmore Mt yesterday at Sunrise (looks like one student may still be asleep?)

There is Harmony in autumn, and a luster in the sky....' 

- Percy Bysshe Shelley (aka- Mad Shelley)

Happy Fall Equinox, 

Here we are, it's fall. You've been working hard and it's time for a short break. Thanks for helping to make the first month of school successful and enjoyable. Get your rest - October is going to be Rocking,  in the best possible way


Quote of the Week: 

More ramblings on Fall

Hello, Pumpkin

Pilates?!? As in, Pies & Latte? 

You should be feeling Gourdgeous

Spice, spice, Baby

Sippin' on Cider


This Week's Link(s):

How to Remember Everything, forever(ish)



Flex Dept Meeting Dates

Quarter 1 Grading Timeline


Flu Clinic:  We will be hosting a Flu Vaccine Clinic on October 5th from 11:00-2:00, in the ML conference room across from the bathroom.  Get your shot if you haven't already. Make sure to bring your insurance card.


9/24-5 - Yom Kippur (No School Monday 9/25)

**10/2 - Best Practice **

10/3 - Tentative All School Trip to Elmore Mt St Park

10/5 - Flu Clinic

10/9 - Indigenous Peoples Day - No School

10/13-14 - Homecoming & Bonfire

10/16 - Best Practice 

10/28 - Haunted High (Saturday)


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday (9/26): Community Meeting take attendance and bring your TA to the auditorium, sit together

Friday (9/29): Flex sign up; Selfie's Due; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 



Happy Birthday

Lesley Riffenburg  Oct 2. 


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