Dec. 7 - Let the decorating begin...


Eva Volk from Art class

Thanks for all of your time, effort, and thoughtfulness with conferences. We've been busy and that's a good thing. Lots of parents are engaged in their kids learning. 

Remember that time a few weeks ago when we asked students to complete several surveys in a short time period? Maybe some of your students expressed some frustration about 'why all these surveys...'?
First, that data is being used and it is useful. Stay tuned for more follow up. 

Second, now it's your turn. (This is one of the reasons why I opened this week's notes with the calm and euphoric painting above.) Thus, I, well, the collective we, need your feedback on two main topics to help us do some planning for next semester and next year. Therefore, please take a few minutes to complete the following two brief surveys. I think you will understand their importance once you see them. You can also wait until Best Practice on Monday to complete these.  I will explain the purpose of each on Monday (it's also written in the surveys). 

1 - Potential FLEXTIME RADICAL CHANGE - We are considering starting semester 2 with a return to flex 'defaulting' to students being assigned to classrooms, much like we started this semester...back in September. Please complete this quick survey if you are aware of a problem this might cause or if you have a question/concern. For example, you might meet with a club during flex on a specific day or you are on a committee that meets during flex. 

2 -  Potential NEW Schedule - As many of you know, but not all of you, there is a Schedule Committee taking a look at some possible BIG changes for next year. We want to make sure that everyone is aware of the 'main idea' behind this schedule, and we need to collect your current thinking about it. There is much to consider and more feedback to collect from other parties (students, parents). For now, we are going to start with your ideas. The above linked schedule is a ROUGH draft of a possible schedule for next year. We know it's not exactly how it's going to end up. For instance, we need to build in breaks. What we want to know at this point is your questions/considerations for a seven period day, which would mean 4-5 classes for most teachers and 6-7 for most students. Please take a look at the schedule linked above and answer these questions


Quote of the Week: 

' Students can’t be what they can’t see. Demonstrating a healthy relationship with technology and prioritizing face-to-face interactions sends a powerful message to students about striking a balance.' - The Huddle (see below)


This Week's Link(s):

From the Social InstituteEducator's Take: Do cellphone bans work?



Next Friday - BDBBQ!

POSTPONED (due to forecast): Egress/Fire Drill (previously scheduled for Monday)- We learned from our most recent emergency drill, that it's likely there will not be enough space in the feild/plowed area behind the cafe next Monday morning for all students to fit at once. Thus, line up in the parking lot by the cafe and garage out back. Our crisis team will be evaluating the situation and taking notes. We will consider changes to our spacing at our January meeting. Please send us your feedback about the drills.  

Lunchtime: In an effort to help manage 'extra' energy this time of year, we are going to tighten up things during lunchtime. We will message students during TA on Tuesday 12/12 about a change to lunchtime locations. The hallways will no longer be available spaces for eating. Thus, can you please message Phil if your room is currently being used during lunch or if you would be willing to open your room during lunchtime. 

- Food Fest 12/20 


Julea B mural in progress from AP Art


12/11 - POSTPONED - Egress Drill, period 1

12/15 - Green & Gold

12/15 - Annual Holiday Gathering, BDBBQ 3:30-5:30

12/19 - Community Meeting

12/20 - Food Fest, Faculty Room

12/22 - Green & Gold


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday (12/12):  Door Decoration Challenge, Flex sign up; Announcements  (Optional Script about racial slur to follow up incident from last week)

Friday (12/15): Door Decoration Challenge, Flex sign up; Announcements

Tuesday (12/19): Flex sign up; Announcements

Friday (12/22): There is talk/planning for a Pep Rally and/or Community Meeting


Schoolwide Happenings: 

This is the 'Dream Team' meeting after school with their mentees. In a recent 'Economics of Education Review' article, based on data collected by researh at Harvard and UVA,  it was cited that students who receive mentoring do benefit in their well being and success at school.  This is important work our students are doing and their mentoring will positively impact both themselves and our future students. 

EST: working on making this process beneficial to all



 Congratulations to the following students who were accepted into the Northeast District Music Festival Chorus:

Ainsley Grant
Rosie Howell
Sage Norsworthy
Magnus Hayden

The festival will be held in Newport at the end of March. 

Happy Birthday

Jen Vargo  Dec. 12

Doug Farquhar  Dec. 17

Karsten Weiss  Dec. 21


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