December 15 - So Close


There are lots of fun Winter Scapes in the hallway, check them out! 

This image reminds me of the view from the back of Black Diamond BBQ. Looking forward to seeing you all there tomorrow after school. Let's all join together and celebrate the great things happening here....and leave the other stuff behind for one afternoon. You deserve a good time. 


Quote of the Week: 

'People who wonder whether the glass is half empty or half full miss the point. The glass is refillable.' 

- Simon Sinek


This Week's Link(s):

If you were unable to complete the EST Survey - here is another chance.....

And, this is the last one (for awhile anyway) I promise.....the Leadership Team would love your feedback on Confernces. Please complete this breif survey, it should only take a few minutes. 



Next Week's Outfits

12/18 - Egress/Fire Drill (previously scheduled for Monday 12/11)- We learned from our most recent emergency drill, that it's likely there will not be enough space in the field/plowed area behind the cafe next Monday morning for all students to fit at once. Thus, line up in the parking lot by the cafe and garage out back. Our crisis team will be evaluating the situation and taking notes. We will consider changes to our spacing at our January meeting. Please send us your feedback about the drills.  

Food Fest 12/20  

January Assessment Schedule 

Grading Timeline Quarter 2 


12/15 - Annual Holiday Gathering, BDBBQ 3:30-5:30

12/22 - Green & Gold

12/18 -  Best Practice 

12/19 - Final TA of 2023!

12/20 - Food Fest, Faculty Room

12/22 - Green & Gold, Pep Rally/Community Meeting


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:  Final TA, Flex sign up; Announcements

Friday: Students will report to TA at the start of flextime (11:15) for about 10-15 minutes, and then go to the Pep Rally Pep Rall/Community Meeting


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Mostly quiet hallways during lunchtime! (If you're noticing something different, please report this to the office.)

Our favorite Driver Ed guest returned this week and reported '...I visit about 35 schools a year in Vermont and PA is always the best!' 



End of Year TA partner party/gingerbread house building competition. Everybody won because we all had fun! 

Happy Birthday

Doug Farquhar  Dec. 17

Karsten Weiss  Dec. 21

Jim Chauvin  Dec. 27


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