Quality Standards Review
Did anyone notice that we are now in our 9th week of school. We've been at it for awhile. There are lots of amazing things happening in your classrooms and throughout the school. Thanks for all of your hard work, creative thinking, and commitment to our students and each other. You get a little break this week. You've earned it. I hope you enjoy it.
By the way, have you thought about ways to display student work and learning around the school?
A week from this Monday, students, teachers and administrators from other schools will be visiting PA. They will be here in small groups (3-4 people) and there will be 1 group visiting in the morning and 1 group in the afternoon. They, along with several other small groups will be visiting all the schools in LSSU. They are here to observe, learn from us, and share ideas with us about what they see. As I mentioned last week, they will not be giving us any individual school feedback, they will be giving us insights they observed about our entire system (LSSU). This is an opportunity for us to learn and grow. The process was and continues to be designed by students, teachers, and administrators from LSSU and other SU's in Vermont. I think its going to be helpful. I will have more details for you at our BP meeting on Monday, but anticipate a short visit into your classroom that day by a small group. Please help to remind your students that visitors will be among us during this day and that they should reach out and welcome these folks to our school. I have a TA announcement and short activity planned to do on Tuesday to help with this effort. Thanks.
Upcoming Events:
Monday 10/19- Best Practice in Library - school culture, conferences & Oct 26th Update
Wednesday - Early release and more work on learning scales
Thursday - Conferences 10-5
Monday 10/26 Education Quality Standards review group to visit PA
Also on 10/26 - ** ODWP calibration at 3pm **This is a change**
Also on 10/26 - ** ODWP calibration at 3pm **This is a change**
Classroom happenings:
PA students present at YRBS conference |
- On 10/14, at 01:14 we completed our evacuation drill in 10:14 seconds. No joke.
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