Thanks for a great trip!

School Trip Elmore State Park

Our trip to Elmore State Park proved to be smashing success (not to be confused with apple smashing). I truly enjoyed watching how many, many people interacted with new people, in new ways, and with huge smiles. It was fun to see students taking leadership, jumping into the challenges with ZERO complaints (at least I didn't hear any) or reluctance. It was a great balance of large and small group expectations, learning, and enjoyment. Thanks for the open minded and positive approach you all brought with you on our trip. EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS to Lesley, Van and Kate who did most of the planning and thinking. I've added some photos in the 'celebration' section of these notes, but there are too many to share here....stay tuned. 

Upcoming Events: 

Monday 10/12: BP in Library - come prepared with learning scales and student work
Tuesday: 4pm Boys Soccer Senior Game v. Thetford
Wednesday - 4pm Girls Soccer Senior Game v. Thetford

Following Week: 

Monday 10/19- Best Practice in Library - school culture, conferences & Oct 26th Update
Wednesday - Early release and more work on learning scales
Thursday - Conferences 10-5

Monday 10/26 - ** ODWP calibration at 3pm **This is a change**

OCTOBER 26th - Monday: Education Quality Standards review group to visit PA

The EQR is a mechanism by which the Agency of Education, the State of Vermont and our local communities will be able to determine how well we are delivering on the promises set forward by the Education Quality Standards. LSSU is part of the pilot to determine how best to do this task. On October 26th, a group composed of educators and students (from Montpelier, Addison Northwest, & LSSU) and the AOE will be in the LSSU from 8 am- 6 pm. The group is trained for visiting and hosting. They will be looking for evidence ACROSS LSSU in the following 5 theme areas: Academic Achievement, Personalized Learning, Safe, School Climate, High Quality Staffing, Financial Efficiencies. After their visit, they will provide insight into how Vermont can develop statewide practices that value local decision making; broad and appropriate measures of quality. They will also provide us with LSSU wide (not school specific) feedback. It will look like small groups of adults and students visiting classrooms, lunchtime, interviewing students and staff and walking the halls. I will provide more details during our Best Practice meeting on Oct 19th.

Katelyn Breault took members of the dance team to an exciting event at JSC recently - it was a master dancing  class that featured members of the hip hop crew RHAW.

Classroom happenings: 



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