Oct 10 - What a Hike!

Wow, what a great all school trip. Thanks to the many folks who helped make it happen:
Van & Rebecca - planning, planning, planning and inspiration
Lesley - TA activities
AnnaLise - Yum, yum
Janet - details, details
Michele - 77 calls to confirm permission
  The rest of you - enthusiasm, support, encouragement, understanding, 'jumping in'...
Read more here...

FYI - 2 teachers from other Vt High Schools visited last week for some research they are doing for a UVM PHD. They both thought it was amazing that we go on an all school trip and thought it 'would never be possible, nor considered' in their schools. They thought the intentional attention to culture was fantastic and important!

Thanks for graciously welcoming the LSSU administration to your classrooms and our school last week. Below is some schoolwide feedback. Great work you all!!
- responsible and effective use of technology by students and staff was in practice
- there were effective systems for providing information and feedback
- high levels of student engagement and students were on task
- teachers were working to make the learning relevant using a variety of strategies
- evidence of higher level thinking, directives and prompting
- lots of positive teaching and learning

Upcoming Events

10/10 - BP in library - sign up

  - Targets/Scales *!*!* SIGN UP
    - Schoology
    - Team Time
10/17 - ODWP calibration
10/18 - Community Meeting
10/18 - Home XC Meet - let's get out & roar
10/19 - Early Release/Data Day/PBL work
10/20 - Conferences
10/21 - No School
10/25 - mIx iT uP dAY


Thanks everyone for the unified front in upholding high standards for our students. Please remember to fill out referrals EVEN IF you have already processed with the student. Blank referrals can be found in the office on the wall. 

Schoolwide Happenings!
AP English

9 Science

YEBS group in Montpelier

I think this money is real!

US history

9 English

The Service Crew! 

From a parent:

'I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am to your staff and faculty as my family is experiencing the very challenging experiences... My son wouldn't be doing nearly as well as he is doing right now coping with everything if it wasn't for the adults at PA. .....he came home and said to me, "you know, I can't believe sometimes how easy everything is and how nice everybody is." 

What stands out the most to me is that he has no idea that the adults and I put these supports into place.  He thinks he just is lucky and people are great.  I have to say I am starting to feel the same way during one of the darkest times of my life and I partially owe you and your staff/faculty for that experience.  

Thank you for taking care of my first child when she was experiencing some challenging things and now my son.  It is one less thing for me to worry about, and quite frankly, one more thing to make me realize the many "right" things there are in the world- and in my son's life.'

Happy Birthday: Mark McNall (10/12)


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