Oct 3

Walking through the halls and classrooms after the pep rally on Friday was quite uplifting. I heard many stories about kindness, inclusivity, and enthusiasm for our school community. I saw students working respectfully with each peers, other making supporting posters for the homecoming games, some finishing up their flags, and lots of high fives, smiles. and hugs. Good work eveyone. You've helped create a very healthy and happy school community.

TA Update -
Thanks for you efforts to help design and present flags in your TA. The display was awesome and generated lots of school and TA enthusiasm. This is will be a nice tool to return throughout the year. Many thanks to the Culture Committee for the behind the scenes work. The activity did not go perfectly in my TA. Some people were left out at times and there was some good old teenage arguing throughout the work. But, in the end, we came up with a flag that we all feel good about. I'm going to use the experience of creating out flag this fall as a way for us to reflect on how we listen to each other, how we share ideas, and how we work together....and hopefully help them see how how they work with othes in TA can extend to other parts of school.

Schoology Update: 

Be sure to read Val's Blog to keep up to speed on all the growth and learning with Schoology. Thank you Sheila J, Melissa, and Val for your tireless efforts to help us through this process.

PBL update:
My most recent post  on the PAHS Announcements blog provides a SHORT (7min) video narrated by students on the WHAT IS PBL. It's succinct and easy to understand. I strongly recommend making time to view this clip and, in the future, follow this blog. I'm going to regularly update parents on our progress and help provide insights into PBL. It will also be a good source of info and update for you. I will be updating you first and trying hard not to tell parents things that you don't already know. But, it would be useful for you to know what I'm telling parents.

Upcoming Events

10/10 - BP in library - sign up
  - Targets/Scales *!*!* SIGN UP, SIGN UP, SIGN UP, SIGN UP *!*!*
    - Wolf Track-PLP
    - Team Time
10/17 - ODWP calibration
10/18 - Community Meeting
10/18 - Home XC Meet - let's get out & roar
10/19 - Early Release/Data Day/PBL work
10/20 - Conferences
10/21 - No School
10/25 - mIx iT uP dAY

Schoolwide Happenings!
Thanks for all the work on prepping the pep rally Culture Committee and NHS.

Fun art coming to the walls soon!

Staying focused (phew!) in fine metals. 

Need we say more? 

Saturday School - Students in geography Class Skype with students in KENYA! 

Boogy Down Bon Fire Style

Congrats on a great Homecoming! We had a very successful spirit week and event filled weekend. Thank you Natalie for organizing the athletic events, to NHS (Moira), student leadership (Reeves), Culture Committee (Rebecca, Averill, Lesley, Van, others) for planning the spirit, pep rally, and other activities and for the many Bonfire chaperones (Steve, Trevor, Shannon, Reeves, Sheila T, Peter G, Karen P).

Happy Birthday: Lesley Schuster (10/2)


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