November 14 - Gobble, Gobble

There are many opportunities to celebrate student work and efforts in the arts this week.  I know that we all have busy schedules and demands on our time, but I also know that students and families appreciate your support when you attend and/or acknowledge their art work and shows, concerts, and performances. Hopefully you can carve out some time to attend one of the many events this week. Vacation, free time and rest are right around the corner.See below for dates and times.


11/14 - Best Practice - 3pm library
11/16 - Art and Music Show 6pm
11/17-19 - Musical - Legally Blonde 7pm
11/18 - TA Scholarly Habits activity #2 (click on me) 
11/21 - Winter Sports Meeting (brr!) 
11/22 - Community Meeting
11/23  - Vacation
11/28 - Best Practice - Library 3pm

** If you would like to participate in the Turkey Challenge, please pay Michele $10 this week. Thanks. 

This week's link:  Read about Alex Bickart, Bill Rich and others you may know in this great article about 'What's the Story'. By the way, several PAML students are involved this year. 

Culture Corner:

Many students are involved in the musical (and band, chorus and art). This is a BIG WEEK for them. Please be considerate to the many things they are trying to accomplish this week. And, hopefully you can make it to some of the shows. Thanks. 
PA  thespians on air announcing upcoming shows

Schoolwide happenings: 


You can probably guess this class

9th grade celebrates writing

10th grade tackles Macbeth

PA/PAML students at the statewide SAP conference in Lake Morey

Thanks for your HARD work...we are making progress! 
Congrats to Edward Habeck and Lena Boudreau who will be attending the all New England Band Festival next Monday (11/21) at Plymouth State College. 

Congrat to Todd Darrow who completed the 2 year The Snelling Institute for Leadership this past weekend. 

Happy Birthday: Bob Raymond, Eric King, Julie Gravel (11/19); Stu Maynard (11/21)


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