November 28th - Welcome Back

‘The show went wonderfully, everyone enjoyed it, and we had tons of fun!” - actor
‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile so much’ - mom
‘It was incredible because the energy on the stage was the most I’ve ever seen at PA’-  director

Congratulations to all the artists, musicians, singers, actors, lights and backstage assistants, teachers, and others who helped with all of the amazing shows prior to break. You all brought lots of wonderful color, sounds, and thinking to our community. Great job and thank you. Also, if you haven’t seen it yet, there is a fantastic article in the News & Citizen and Stowe Reporter on the PA Drama Club and their musical performance. And, speaking of articles, check out this one that highlights some local athletes.


During Best Practice on Monday 11/28 we will be dialoguing with each other about how to move forward with redo/retake/'no zeros' at PA. We are addressing this topic at this time of the year in an effort to minimize confusion and inconsistency for students. Undoubtedly, we will not get this perfect. The goal is to get better. The purpose of the BP dialogue is to collect as many ideas and thoughts from our collective wisdom and experience. The Leadership Team will craft a proposal on Tuesday based on your ideas.

As we work through the transition from our former systems to new PBL based systems we will have more topics like this that we will need to address. Redo/retake/'no zero' is a BIG topic. We will likely arrive to BP with different opinions and expectations for how to move forward. I ask that you enter the conversation with as open a mind as possible and listen carefully to your colleagues. You know how to do this well. I look forward to the work.

To help frame the dialogue I ask that you please take a moment to look at one of the links below. They are very similar, but different formats. Thanks.

Dialogue v. debate chart version

Dialogue v debate prose version

FYI - Why are there standing desks in my classroom? 


11/28 - Best Practice Library
12/2 - TA Assembly - PBL presentation for students
  * End of Food Drive *
12/6  - Early Release (ODWP)
12/12 - Best Practice
12/19 - Best Practice
12/20 - Community Meeting
12/23 - Last Day of School '16
1/13 - End of 1st Semester
1/16 - LSSU In-Service Day
2/2 - Early Release - data day
2/3 - LSSU In-Service Day

Schoolwide Happenings:

Safety Checks in Forensics


Alright for Compost! 

$683.00 was raised from MES, PAML, PA and LSSU Central Office!!

27 large turkeys were purchased with the money raised.   Lamoille County Food Share is very THANKFUL!  

Happy Birthday: Stu Maynard (11/21)


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