November 7

Peter Hathaway leading his YRBS group at the VFW last week. 

Election Update: CORRECTION

1. Thank you Moira, Marc, Karen P, NHS and others for helping to set up a Mock Election for our students. Any chance to practice citizenship is a good thing. As Moira has stated in her emails, students can vote via a link on the school website during TA on Tuesday. They can access the link just like they accessed the climate survey. Voting is also optional. They will not be called from class. There will be an additional google slide show shared in the TA announcements for Tuesday that you can use with your TA. Please direct students to Boostervision outside the library on Monday to view their peers perspectives of each presidential candidate. Fun, Fun, Fun

2. Post Election: A few years ago, roughly eight. We (PAHS/PAML) set up the gym for schoolwide viewing of the presidential inauguration. We will not be repeating this event on January 20, 2017. If you have been making connections to the election in your curriculum and wish to view the inauguration as part of your work, I ask that your class view within your classroom through live streaming, recording, or some other technology that works for you. Thanks for understanding.

In-service Update (for 11/11)

On Friday, we will meet in the auditorium at 8:15am to begin our day. The PA Middle School staff, Bill R and Val will be joining us there to start the day. We will review some PBL communications and learn about next steps with Schoology and our target/scales/proficiency alignment. There will be time to work with PAML staff, your dept/content area colleagues and individual work. Please see me if you have any questions or needs.

Look who made the Burlington Free Press

11/8 - Mock Election 
11/8 - TA Scholarly Habits activity #1 (click on me)
11/11 - In-Service
11/14 - Best Practice - 3pm library
11/14 - Winter Sports Meeting (brr!) 
11/16 - Art and Music Show 6pm
11/17-19 - Musical - Legally Blonde 7pm
11/18 - TA Scholarly Habits activity #2 (click on me) 
11/22 - Community Meeting

Culture Corner: 
Level One Reporting and Documentation 
School feels good! Kids are learning and engaged! They are making safe and positive decisions. 

AND, when our students need reminders about behavior, please remember to document using the Discipline Referral Form located on the wall of the office, and turn the form in to Rebecca. 

Level One Behaviors should be addressed in the moment / class, and still need documentation. This is one way for us to track data on students that are improving, or needing more support. 

If you WANT TO REVIEW  the behavioral definitions, you can follow this link. 

Schoolwide Happenings

Student designed board games in Anatomy & Physiology

Algebra Skillzzz

More YRBS ....Getting to 'Y'

9th Grade 'Reality Store"....have questions?...Ask them or was cool! 


Way to go Carrie!! She completed the NYC Marathon this weekend with a time of, that's fassssstt!!

Congrats to the following 5 students who attended the All New England Choral Festival last week at Plymouth State U in NH with 200 singers from across NE. They performed on Thursday evening for the university. - Andrew Bowan, Ethan LeVeille, Emily McCormack, Tyler Shackett, and Brandi Small.

Be sure to commend Juniors Joe Yando, Alex Grimes, ED and MM who will be attending the Vermont Athletic Leadership Conference Monday and Tuesday in Burlington.


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