Nov 13 - Let the Performances begin

What will this year's show bring? 

This week features the Art Show, the Music Concert, and the Musical. The auditorium will not get much sleep. We can't all make all the shows, but I hope some of you can make it to some of these events. The staff and students involved certainly appreciate your presence. And, when you can't make it, try to congratulate your advisees and students for their efforts. These events are a big deal for them and their families. And, please remember to be as flexible as possible with the students, who are carrying quite an extra load this week. Thank you Averill, Dan, Dave, and everyone else who is helping with the details. Good luck and Enjoy!

Image result for CAN OF FOOD warholFOOD DRIVE 'A FUTURE FREE OF HUNGER': Let's try to make a combined effort this week to encourage those who can to bring in food donations. Every little bit helps. I asked my TA to set a goal as a TA. I'll remind them this week and hope for the best. Some students and their families will benefit from our collective efforts.

Upcoming Events:
11/13- Best Practice 3pm Library
11/13 - Winter Sports Meeting 6pm
11/15 Art Show & Music Concert 7-8
11/16-18 PA Musical 7-9pm
11/21 - Community meeting during TA
11/22-24 - T-day Break - gobble gobble
12/4 - Bernie Sanders to visit PA for 'focus group'
12/5 - In-Service (ALiCE to start, then PBL work)

FYI - TA CALENDAR (This is a living breathing document, sort of. Anyway, it's dynamic, it changes as our needs change.)

TA This Week:
Next M3 Session: Tuesday, 11/14   

This week, M3 will focus on Metacognition, or thinking about thinking. 
Students will learn about how they learn- and recognize that knowing is empowering. 

Try to find a moment in class to pause and discuss what is happening in our brains, and reflect on our learning.. 

Challenge students to reflect on their learning strategies- create a time to share these moment.

Friday - consider a TA Thanksgiving celebration or moment to give thanks to each other for something they've appreciated this fall. 

Next Tuesday - Community meeting (with a guest coming to invite students to participate in a TED talk!) 

Brooklynn Dewey, a ninth grader you may not know since she's only at PA 5th and 6th periods, won first place in the Morrisville VFW's Voice of Democracy Speech scholarship competition.

Here's her speech.


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