April 9 - It's almost time for a break...

The PA Band in a post performance glee. 

Way to go Dan, Averill and Ashley. Last week's art show, band, and Acapella performances were awesome. Thanks for your hard work to help our students shine! 

Best Practice this week: 

*Please bring your device and know your course objectives & targets: we are going to give you time and directions about a few quick things to do in Schoology. This is an effort to help make everyone's Mastery Page similar. This will help with communication for students and parents.

- Also, students from CSR will participate in the beginning of the meeting.

Curriculum Council update: 
Your curriculum council members are Averill McDowell, Catherine Toland, and Phil. Ask us if you have questions or topics you would like us to address. In our most recent meeting we:

- Worked on details for Curriculum Camp - stay tuned for more info
- Synthesized your feedback from in-service on performance descriptors - we will be reviewing a proposal with you at an upcoming Best Practice
- Discussed how to set goals and identify professional growth in our PBL transition. The ideas is the we will have some professional scales to give us all guidance as our work shifts.
- Learned that graduation standards are not going to change, but recognize the need to polish and reorganize our reporting level indicators with the graduation standards.
        - Val and Maura are working on C3 (Global Citizenship & Science Mastery Scales)

There is still lots of great art work to see in the library and adjacent hallways.

Contract Reminder: 

If you have not already, please go to ivisions and sign your contract for 2018-19. We want you back!
You might want to care of this prior to break.

This week's link (in case you missed it last week)

*********** Short, simple, easy, IMPORTANT: This is how to give better feedback in just 19 words (1 minute video) ***********

TA this week (and beyond):

     Tuesday (4/10): Academic Check in & On your Own

     Friday (4/13): Sound Check - student musical performance - (No TA or Flex)
        *** When students are dismissed from period 3 they should head directly to TA. Please take attendance in TA, escort them to the auditorium, and sit with them. Thanks. ***

    Tuesday (4/24): Mastery Report Activity (We will review this during Best Practice on 4/23)

Upcoming Events:

4/9 - Best Practice
   - CSR, Mastery View, Performance Levels
Coming to a pond near you soon. 
4/10 - SAT test at PA during school day
4/12 - Art Trip to Italy
4/16-20 - April Break
5/3 - NHS Induction  7pm?
5/5 - SAT exam off campus
5/9 - AP Lit Exam
5/11 - AP Art Exam
5/14 - AP Biology Exam
5/15 - AP Calculus Exam
6/14 - Last Chapel
6/14 - Graduation Date Set
6/15 - Last day of School - Make up Exams
6/19 - Wendesday - Projected Curriculum Camp Start
8/20 - AUGUST IN- SERVICE begins

Schoolwide Happenings: 
It's that time of year again. 
CSR students interviewing potential future CSR students. 

Students in 'OVX (Our Voices Exposed Against Tobacco)' campaigning against flavored tobacco products sold to VT youth.
Post Comedy Performance 'feedback' session with the audience. 

9th grader Violet A helping a horse at Hope Grows Community Farm. This is the location of her community based learning internship, titled 'The Realm of Hippology'. 


Post Standing O for Edward - he took the house down.

The PA One Act did not advance to the New England Festival, but Rachel Zmick, Nikki Crouse, and Alden Ducharme all won individual state acting awards. Congrats to Dave and Crew for an awesome performance and opportunity for our students.

Congrats to Shannon who was awarded a funding from Donorschoose to help support the 'Voracious Readers' project at PA.

Have a Great Break!   

Image result for relaxation

Happy Birthday: Bill Chilton (4/11), Jim Calhoun (4/17 ), Chris Player (4/20)


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