September 24

Congrats to Senior Grand Champion Adele Biasini - BEST IN NEW ENGLAND....check out the link!

CSR at Open a few others. 

Thanks for your participation and cooperation with Open House. I appreciate your extra time and thoughtful preparation for the evening event. Despite a smallish 'turn out', the feedback I received from the parents and guardians who did come was very positive. Our 'guests' were very appreciative of your time and even more complimentary on about their interactions with you and their children's experience thus far at PA. Thank you.
I have already begun conversation about next steps and considerations for next year. I'm not sure yet what we will do next and welcome your thoughts and feedback.

Babies are born in the circle of the sun.....

     At this point, I believe most if not all of you are aware that I am having another baby. The doctors say it's due October 18th, we'll see When the baby does come, I'll be taking a short leave; a week or less. I plan to take more paternity time later in the year, but mostly during regular school vacation time, in an effort to limit my time out of the building when students and you are in it.

     While I am out, I will not have a substitute. You should direct your discipline or other needs to Janet, Michele or Amanda as you normally do now.  Though there will not be a sub for me, our current systems will be supported by the middle level and central office. There will be other adults here to help, but there will not be one particular person.  Collectively, we have good systems and strong people to keep things rolling in the positive direction we have started this year. Thanks in advance for your patience and understanding.


    9/ 24 - Best Practice 3-4pm
    9/28 - Author Visit Assembly - 10:10 in Aud
         Period 3 and 4 switch 
         Students will go to TA after break, take attendance and attend the assembly in TA
   10/1 - Spirit Week Begins
   10/1-5 - ALL SCHOOL TRIP
   10/5 & 6 - Homecoming Weekend/Bon Fire
   10/8 - Best Practice 3-4 pm
   10/23 - Climate Survey during TA
   11/6 - Fall Music Concert 7pm

On Tuesday 9/25, LSSU will be testing BrightArrow, our emergency notification system. Alerts will be sent to the contact information we have on file including email, text and voice phone. Please contact Melissa Gillen at 888-4541 extension 5559, Katy Voyer at 888-4541 extension 5558 or your school after the test if there are any adjustments that need to be made.

Thanks for the feedback. 

TA this week:
   Tuesday:  Complete Schoology Profile Activity  
WInner, winner, chicken dinner!
By the way, Bell's TA actually had more votes, Congrats to them
but their video was a bit too long,
so we invited them to an ice cream party

                  - Academic Check in
                  - Culture Building

   Friday:  Author visit Assembly, NO TA
      Start with Assembly, then FLEX

Speaking of the Author Visit, check this out. She is doing a public presentation on JSC, rather Northern Vt University. 

This week's link: 
Image result for safco alphabetter desk
Stand up desks, like the one in the image to the left, are becoming more popular among students. And, they seem to help many stay more focused, engaged, and even help burn calories.

Does anyone need a desk like this for your classroom? Or, does anyone have one that students are not using? We are going to put in an order soon and wanted to get a 'count' of how many we might need. We probably can't order more than 5-10 at this point. So, please only ask if you don't have any or know of a need among your students. Please let Janet know if you want one or have an extra. Thanks.

Schoolwide Happenings:
Helping out downtown

While my guitar gently weeps.....check out the art by the ramp to the gym. 

9th grade science
CSR; Chapter 2......great start. 


These kids can play! Come check 'em out - Tuesday, boys home v. U-32, then homecoming games next week.

Also, Ben Craig and Eli Smith won the XC meet relay at Stowe HS last week!
Happy Birthday: Paula Mallo (9/28)


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