September 9

Will this be the winner....??....I don't think so. It's been great to see how much excitement and positive energy this activity generated the first few weeks of school. Don't forget to vote this Tuesday (for that great PA Rap!).

Hey all,

Hope you enjoyed the great weekend weather. There are numerous things to plan for in the coming weeks, thus, I'm categorizing them as best as possible below. I suggest taking your time with this week's notes and cross checking each section with your own calendar and plans. Thanks for your patience with technology challenges last week (and prior) and good luck with Flex Time this week. I think lots of students and teachers have been anticipating Flex since day ONE....that's a good thing.


   9/10-11 - Rosh Hashanah
   9/10 - Wolf PAC meeting - 1-4pm
   9/10 - META meeting
   9/11 - STAR benchmarking starts
   9/11 - Picture Day
   9/12 - Curriculum Council - Phil, Kate T, and Averill out
   9/12 - Boys First Home Game: 4:30 Montpelier
   9/17 - Best Practice meeting 3pm Library
   9/18 - Kol Nidre
   9/20 - Open House - 5:30 - 7pm
   9/ 24 - Best Practice 3-4pm
   10/1 - Best Practice 3-4 pm
   10/1 - Spirit Week Begins
   10/1-5 - ALL SCHOOL TRIP
   10/5 & 6 - Homecoming Weekend/Bon Fire (6th)
   10/23 - Climate Survey during TA
   11/6 - Fall Music Concert 7pm


TA this week:
Tuesday: VOTINGWhat Great about PA 
                          FLex Time sign up - make sure your advisees are set for the week
                         Powerschool Tech Permissions - stay tuned for announcement
                          Other culture building 

   Friday: Flex sign up

FYI - Tuesday (9/18) we have Community meeting - please send celebrations to Phil
                Friday 9/21 and Tuesday 9/25 will be dedicated to PLP

FINALLY - Please DO NOT send students to or go to the library with your TA during TA. There are TA's that meet in the library and students going the library is disruptive to their work. Shannon is also NOT available during TA time, as she has a TA. Thanks. 

Have you seen the boy's locker room lately? Sneak in and take a peak - Thanks Angie!


FLEX TIME Update: 

We have remedied the situation with flex time sign up that caused frustration and confusion on Friday. We have eliminated the 'request' and 'comment' sections from the student sign up.
We had to reload the system, so some assignments may have been wiped out. Please check your advisees and make sure they are signed up for someone on Monday. On that note, Monday might be a bit messy getting all students to flex. In an effort to minimize this, we are asking that you take a few minutes during the start of period 3 to allow students to check this Enriching Students accounts and make sure they are signed up for at least Monday. We will sign up again on Tuesday during TA.
Sorry again for issues and thanks for your patience and understanding.

Identity inventory in Next Steps class
Open House Update: 

We have announced that the Open House will occur on 9/20 from 5:30-7pm. It is expected that all teachers attend this event. We are also asking that all teachers have a brief course description and explanation of success (how to reach P and PD) in your courses to hand out at the event. YOU ALREADY HAVE THIS DONE. It is on your course profile template. We will review this and provide time for editing and feedback during BP on Monday 9/17. You may also have this information on your website and/or on your syllabus that you provide students and families at the start of the school year. Also, please be sure to share the OPEN HOUSE ANNOUNCEMENT with your advisees on Friday this week. (We'll remind you again, but it's above if you want to bookmark it now.)


SHHHHH!!!  All School Trip 

It looks like we are going to aim for the first week in October for the All School Trip. We will be going to Elmore State Park. We need help coordinating hiking, group activities, etc. If you are interested in helping, please let Janet know. Thanks. (I already know that Rachel, Lesley, Van, & Eric are planning to help.)

Problem solving in Geometry

Tech Committee: 

We have a high school technology committee that works to support technology needs for you and students. We would like to have a teacher on the committee. Please let Phil know if you are interested in joining the team. We have not yet set a specific meeting time. We usually meet every other week during the school day.

Schoolwide Happenings:
(This is where I post the photos that you send me from your awesome class activities....hint, hint.)

Property ID in Chemistry

Working out class norms in English 9

Group discussion in World History 2

Localvore Food experts visiting, well, you guessed it, the Food Systems class

A human timeline in world history class
Congrats to Trevor Putvain. He's been working for VTVLC (Vermont Virtual) for numerous years. His classes support students across the state and allow for several of our students to take online courses. He was recently recognized by director, Jeff Renard, for his exemplary work and examples of ideal course design for his colleagues.

Happy Birthday: Dan Bruce, (9/9), Annelise Beach (9/12)


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