And then it was December!

Image result for funny snowman
By the way, if you're looking for the snowperson I mentioned at the assembly the other day, you will not find it, not yet anyway. I made that part up. But, feel free to go make one with some students. It could be a good team builder. 


Juggling From The Ball's Perspective GIF - Juggling Ball Perspective GIFs'When performing, we never made a mistake juggling, well, almost never- just make it part of your act' - quote from a clown

For me, this is a time of year when I feel like I'm juggling more balls than usual. We are approaching the end of the semester, family commitments increase with the holidays, and the weather (especially lately) tends to throw balls that curve into the mix. The divergent tugs on my time impact my sleep, mood, and productivity.

We are not clowns, but we are often performing. It's hard to be a perfect performer. My advice to you this season is to allow for imperfection and keep on going as best you can. I know you are trying, we are all trying to make school work. Hang in there, you are doing great work.

Speaking of juggling, there are two balls (topics) to pay extra attention to the next two weeks: Best Practice/Professional Development & TA. Below, I've outlined specifics on both these topics.  ____________________________
Best Practice / In-service

12/4 - Early Release: I haven't spoken to all of you, but I've checked in with many of you. Below is a rough outline of what to expect and plan for on Tuesday that is based on those conversations and our ongoing work:

           12:30-1:00 - meet in library (all school updates and activity)

           1:00-4:00 - Small group time
                            - Science: course level objectives and scales/PBGR scales, alignment
                            - Math: Assessments
                            - English:  benchmarking, course alignment
- World Language: personalization/differentiation on reading; calibrate student work
                            - Social Studies:  course/proficiency alignment/mapping

            Other opportunities - you are welcome to join: 

           2:00-3:00- HS redesign in Guidance: review scheduling feedback; plan next steps
(Already attending: Phil, Carrie, Rachel)

           3:00-4:00- Transcript meeting in Guidance, see Phil if interested  
(Already attending: Phil, Carrie, Lindsey, Maura)

12/10 - Best Practice:

Focus on Scholarly Habits: bring your goals and  'things' (student work, anecdotes, scales, etc) to share with your peers


Sled Fail GIF - Sled Fail Snow GIFs   12/3-10  Hanukkah
   12/4- Early Release 
    12/10- Best Practice 3-4
           *Scholarly Habit Reflection*
   12/14 - TA Whow Project
   12/18 - Community Meeting
   12/25-1/1 - Winter Break
   1/11 - Last day of Semester
   1/21 - LSSU In-Service @ PA


TA this week:
  Tuesday (12/4)No TA - early release

  Friday (12/7): Diversity Activity  in GYM. 
We are starting TA on Friday in  the gym. When the activity is complete, we will go to Flextime. 

Students will enter the gym and immediately find their TA. The activity will be led by Amanda and it will start when EVERYONE has gathered in TA groups. 

  Tuesday (12/11): On your own; Announcements, flex sign up - please tell students to sign up for the next two weeks, there will not be time in TA on Friday due to a special all school activity
   Friday (12/14): Whow Project  

  Tuesday (12/18): Community Meeting

  Friday (12/20): ***On your own

*** I know that many of you like to do 'end of the year' or 'seasonal' celebrations or activities with your TA the last week or so of the year. In the past, you've decorated cookies, sent carolers into the halls, etc. These are all great things. However, this year, you will not have the same amount of 'Free-time' in TA that you have had in the past. Please keep this in mind as you plan and, perhaps, consider and 'end of the semester celebration' during a TA in January. ***

Schoolwide Happenings:

Combined AP Art/English book study project - check 'em out in the library. 


Happy Birthday: 12/7 - Sheila Jones


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