12/2 - Welcome Back

Congrats to Dave G and crew for putting on another fabulous show. There were SOOO many students involved and the production was professional and entertaining. There was clearly an amazing amount of work and dedication. Well done! 

Welcome back. I hope you had plenty of rest, good times with family and friends, yummy food and and overall good time with your break. Hard to believe it, but in 3 quick weeks, we'll be right back at it. This is great time of year to capitalize on student and personal energy to have a focused short hard push to the new year. 
This week's link(s):  

OK you'all, its three weeks to the Winter Solstice; when days get longer. That's something to look forward to....and so it winter in my mind. I think the best way to manage winter is to embrace, like the Norwegians. For inspiration: check out this article recently shared by Shannon. And, let's look for ways to encourage each other to get out and enjoy winter - the trails out back are already being groomed. Meetings on snow can be productive. 

TOY DRIVE is on.....!
Way to go NHS and PA - 591 Food items and 75$
Plus, NHS helped to prep the go home boxes

12/3 - Art Show (6pm) and Music Concert (7pm)
12/3 - Interact Club Dinner (Fundraiser for new homeless shelter)
12/6 - Early Release - Scholarly Habit Focus
12/7 - Winter Ball 7-10pm
12/9 - Best Practice  - TBA or Transfer Teams
12/16 - Best Practice  - TBA or Transfer Teams
12/21 - Winter Break starts
1/20 - LSUU In-Service

Tech Drop in Schedule (Thursdays 3-4 PA Library)

Co-Curricular Schedule - no events this week


If you missed the show you can still catch a glimpse of some amazing student work this week. Tuesday night is the Art Show and Music Performance....starting at 6. Worried about dinner? No problem, the Interact Club will be serving up a delicious meal pre show time in the PA Cafe

TA This Week

Tuesday 12/3 - On your own, Announcements, Flex Sign up
       NO TA On FRIDAY - PLEASE DO FLex Sign up

Friday 12/6- NO TA - Early Release 


Schoolwide Happenings

"Don't starve yourself in the Grocery Store!" - Arshay Cooper

French Class 
Making 'Yeast Balls' in AP Bio. 

A little 1:1 Algebra

Peer Tutoring in Spanish

She didn't want her face in the photos, but check our what Destiny's been working on in CAD.

The CSR team is collecting feedback from students about PBL - stay tuned for their insights and ideas.


Way to go tenth grader Max K, who has organized a writing opportunity for area teens. See the post to the right. 

Check out two of the many good things that PA 9th grade student Andi Tisdale has been up to in the statewide education work. (right-pictured 2nd from left; below pictured 3rd from left)

Happy Birthday: Sheila Jones (12/7)


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