Feb 10 - The HEART of Winter

There is a world of learning going on in our building - more images below.
Hello all, 

Thank you for the opportunity to walk through your classrooms during the start of our new semester. Fortunately, of late, my schedule has allowed for more time to spend with you and students. During my visits I'm seeing & hearing tons of great things related to excellent instruction and Proficiency Based Learning. Some of the many things I've observed are: 

- students collaboratively problem solving topics, such as, DNA, absolute value, stats, primary sources, ...
- students using creativity to demonstrate their thinking and understanding of social issues, historical events, literature, language and politics...
- students respectfully challenging each others thinking on political or other topics of local and national issues
- students moving around and using your classroom space thoughtfully
- students practicing and showing progress
- students on task and engaged with the work in all of your rooms
- Teachers implementing creative and passionate instruction
- Teachers clearly displaying and articulating targets and expectations
- Teachers providing immediate and effective feedback
- Teachers subtly referring to Scholarly Habits
- Teachers graciously holding students accountable
- Students and teachers laughing and talking together
- Students and teachers working together to unravel complexities
- Students and teachers working together to create a positive culture

In the future, (after a few weeks of interviews) I plan to give more individual feedback and when possible use this PBL Expectation form that connects with your goals and transfer team work. Until then, keep up the great work. 
This Week's Link

                Introduce your students to a new way of learning


2/10 - Best Practice - Program of Studies & TA

2/14 - Program of Studies Courses Due
2/17 -  Best Practice - Transfer Team
2/21 - Winter Carnival (2nd 1/2 of the day)
2/22 - Winter Break Begins
4/30 - Youth Climate Rally in Montpelier

Tech Drop in Schedule (Thursdays 3-4 PA Library)

Co-Curricular Schedule 


Lamoille South Unified Union FY21 Annual Meeting and Budget
Voting on the proposed FY21 budget for the Lamoille South Unified Union will be held on Tuesday, March 3, at your local town office from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Early voting has started! To vote early or absentee, stop by or call your Town Clerk’s office or make your request from the links on each of the Town Clerks’ websites.  Please vote!
Approval of this budget is important as it allows us to continue the high quality academic and extracurricular programming for our students in all of our schools. 
The Annual Report of the LSUU is available and may be viewed here.  A printed version of the publication is also available at your town office.  For more information, please join us at our February 17 board meeting - 5:30 p.m. at Morristown Elementary School and attend the LSUU Annual Meeting and Budget Informational Meeting on Monday, March 2, at 6:00 p.m. in the Copley Gymnasium at Peoples Academy.


TA This Week

Tuesday 2/11 - Announcements & TA Challenge - details coming on Monday!

Friday 2/14 - Announcements & Flex Sign UP


Schoolwide Happenings
Crepe Cafe - order soon while supplies last. 

Check out this week's News & Citizen for interview details from our students on their 'Thank our Farmers" project

Get your Shakespeare on - care of English 9 and Dave G

Big turnout for the Observatory Event - more fun evening ahead....
Can you Spot Maggie? 


Snow Angels have returned

Happy Birthday: Eros Valentino (2/14)


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