February 17 - Almost there

Good luck this week and I hope you have a fun filled vacation that is filled with images like those above (or whatever images it is that you hope for, such as, a long sandy beach). Thanks for all of your hard work and patience during this time of year. When we return to school it will be March, the days will be longer, full of more sun, and slightly warmer. Daylight savings starts on March 8, wow. 

*Morrisville, Stowe, and Elmore residents, Please remember to vote on Town Meeting Day or complete an absentee ballot. They are available now.*

So Awesome


2/17 -  Best Practice - Transfer Team
2/21 - Galapagos Trip Bon Voyage
2/21 - Winter Carnival (2nd 1/2 of the day)
2/22 - Winter Break Begins
3/12 & 13 - ONE Acts play at PA
  (There is only 1, 1hr, 1 Act this year)
3/14 - Regional One Act Festival
 (The Regional is at Lamoille Union)
3/14 - Science Olympiad
3/19 - Early Release
3/20 - Conferences
3/23 - LSUU In-Service
4/30 - Youth Climate Rally in Montpelier

Tech Drop in Schedule (Thursdays 3-4 PA Library)

Co-Curricular Schedule 


TA This Week

Tuesday 2/18 - Announcements & Finish TA Challenge - T-shirts

Friday 2/21 - TBD, part of Winter Carnival Schedule

Post Break-Friday 3/5 - Flex Survey Follow-up


Schoolwide Happenings

Chemistry Sleuthing

Protein Synthesis Game Day and preparation

Exploring Light in Integrated Science

You, too, could have your very own US Constitution

Just trying to make a buck, here

World History students simulating living conditions of  Hunters & Gatherers


Congrats to our hard working 2020 Valedictorian (Eli, on right) and Salutatorian (Joe, left)
The senior night paparazzi

Another banner added to the mix

Happy Birthday:  Reeves Larson (2/22); Matt Yoskowitz (3/2); Ashley Lynch(3/5)


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