February 3 - The Heart of Winter

Students in Human International Relations getting a Virtual Tour - who knows where they are off to next? 

The Leadership Team (which now includes students) is taking a deep dive into our use of FLEX TIME.  Our goal is to seek ways to improve it. To that end, we would very much appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete this feedback survey. We would also like you to carve our a few minutes of TA time on Tuesday this week to ask students to complete the student version of this survey. (Script also linked Below)

Friday In-Service: 

Image result for wellness"For those interested, Tracy will provide a brief LSUU FY21 Budget info and Q & A session at 12:30 on Friday. There will also be Standards Board support in the library and wellness activities during lunch. 

*If you have not signed up for an Friday afternoon session;  please follow this link. *



2/7 - LSUU In-Service @PA

2/10 - Best Practice - Program of Studies & TA
2/14 - Program of Studies Course Descriptions Due
2/22 - Winter Break Begins
4/30 - Youth Climate Rally in Montpelier

Tech Drop in Schedule (Thursdays 3-4 PA Library)

Co-Curricular Schedule 


TA This Week

Tuesday 2/4 - Announcements & Flex Survey
(Handshake video due to Dan on Tuesday)

Friday 2/7 - No TA - No School


Schoolwide Happenings


A PA kind of Friday Night Lights

Congrats to 9th Grader Andi Tisdale who will be attending the selective National CADCA (Community for the Anti Drug Coalitions) annual conference near Washington, DC all this week. The conference links youth groups from across the country and provides leadership and organizational training for youth.  

Happy Birthday: Stephen Hudak (2/2)


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