MAY 18

The first of our many end of the year celebrations and ceremonies is this Friday. Our Memorial Day Observance is typically the first time we start to dress up, bing the entire prek-12 system together and share our connections as a community. As you know, it will be different. It will not feel the same. Yet, it is very important for us to show enthusiasm and encourage participation. There are far fewer things for students to look forward to right now and any way we can help them connect to their past, their future and their community is worth the effort. Please do what you can to encourage your TA to join you on Friday for the Observance Video. 
Front Yard Signs (and, this Week's Link) - From $4 - Dayton | Groupon
This is not the sign we purchased-it's an example
Through the cooperation of PA Boosters and Project Graduation, we have ordered celebratory signs to be placed at the homes of each senior class member. We will be delivering the signs later in the week. If you would like to participate and help to deliver signs - please sign up here.
Directions and safety expectations will be reinforced at pick up.


TA this week: 

Tuesday (9:15): 
Distressed American Flag Wall Mural | Murals Your Way
Announcements, prompt and TA Takedown 'Dress like your Advisor' photo contest

Friday (10:45): Memorial Day Observance 

TA Challenge of the YEAR

Other days - Reach out 1:1 or small group 



5/18 - Best Practice 2:45pm    LINK TO MEET

5/18-26 - AP Exams - 2pm
5/28 - NHS Induction 5:30
5/22 - Memorial Day Observance as part of TA
5/25 - No School
5/27 - Last Chapel awards due to Janet *details will be explained at BP*
5/29 - This is a Friday with a Monday A Day Schedule
6/5 - Last day of regular class meets
6/9 - Last Chapel 
6/8-11/12 -  Final week of school - focus on recovery - NO FINAL EXAMS
6/11 or 12 - TBD - Last Day of School for Students
6/11 - Graduation TBD

WEEKENDS like they used to be...
(I encourage you to not assign work during the weekend)
Tech Updates....Tech Drop in Sessions continue

Wed: 3-4:00 Middle/High School Open drop-in session
Thur: 3-4:00pm Topic Specific drop-in session

To join any of these, use the link in the LSUU Calendar event. If you join during an open session and there is no one there, please leave a note in the chat, we may be using a breakout meet to help others and we will follow up to your chat prompt as quickly as possible. 

LSUU Tech PlaybookTech resources are posted here


Graduation, Last Chapel & Retirement committee next steps and how to help will be discussed at Best Practice on Monday

We need your help

Happy Birthday: Kim Laidlaw (5/19), Suzanne Kemp (5/20)


From last week....

Teachers helping Teachers: 
People helping people credit union difference | Icon Credit UnionAcross the supervisory district, we are trying to compile a list of teachers who can help others with specific remote learning tools. This would be a 'teacher helping teachers' type of tool. In order to do this, we need to know where you feel comfortable helping others learn how to use a tool that you have found to be useful and successful in your remote learning classroom. Thus, could you please review the following form (don't put your name on this form). This form lists technology tools that are available to you to support your remote learning. Then, add you name to this form if you can and want to help others. If you are using another tool that is not on the list, please also let us know about it. 


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