May 4 -

Hello all, 

It is teacher appreciation week across the land. I will not be driving by and delivering iced coffee and cookies this year, but it doesn't mean that I don't fully appreciate your hard work, commitment and all around awesomeness. You have all risen to this challenging occasion and I am thankful everyday for you. Please know that you are immensely valued by this entire community, who are impressed and grateful for your support and direction right now and always. Thank you. 

Ashly Lynch's art students completed a fun photo project using household items to recreate a work of art. 

Your ideas here....

Group Meeting PNG - Workgroup Meeting, Small Group Meeting ...
If you have a topic related to Teaching, Learning, and School that you would like to discuss with others, please add it to this list.   The purpose is so that we can organize group meets related to your topics of interest. The first meeting was last Tuesday. 

That small group meeting focused on "Effective Strategies for Remote Learning" and was attending by more than eight of you (I lost count while taking notes). We learned some good little nuggets for our remote learning work. The next meeting will be determined by your level of interest and topic. 


This week's (other) links:

Family Engagement during closure: this is a quick read. I found 'assumption #2 & 3' most helpful.

Vermont Virtual Learning Support for Teachers: Vermont Virtual Learning Cooperative Support for Schools

Health Services Blog - book it 
Tech Updates: 

Tech Drop in Session Returns!

Wednesdays 3:00-4:00 Middle/high school open drop-in session
Thursdays 3:00-4:00 Topic specific drop-in session

To join any of these use the link in the LSUU Calendar event. If you join during an open session and there is no one there, please leave a note in the chat, we may be using a breakout meet to help with individual questions and will follow up with you shortly. 

LSUU Tech PlaybookTech resources are posted here

TA this week: 

Tuesday (9:15): 
Announcements, complete the Car Matching Challenge & this week's prompt: A Portal to another world opens in front of you. You don't know how long it will stay open or if you'll be able to get back after you go through. What do you do?     A portal to another world opens in front of you. You don’t know how long it will stay open or if you’ll be able to get back after you go through. What do you do?

Friday (10:45): 
Announcements & TA Takedown TBA

Other days - Reach out 1:1 or small group 


Star Wars Day - Wikipedia

5/4 - META meeting
5/11 - Best Practice 2:45
5/12-26 - AP Exams - 2pm
5/25 - No School
5/29 - This is a Friday with a Monday A Day Schedule

WEEKENDS like they used to be...
(I encourage you to not assign work during the weekend)


PA Boys Basketball: Joe Buonanno

Two great articles on PA girls and boys basketball standouts. This is the first time I can remember that the league player of the year in both boys and girls came from PA - check out Joe B and coach Scott V here and Paige Pierce and company here

Happy Birthday: Jeff Brynn (5/5)


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