August 9 - One week from Blast OFF!

Are you ready to jump in?

Hello all,

I hope you are making the most of these beautiful summer days.

There were lots of emails and updates sent your way this week. Thus, I'll simply put most of them in order for you below and use this space to update you on In-Service and the PA Schedule.


We will start our work together on Monday, August 17th and continue through the following week. (See Memo from Tracy in The Source.) Plan to meet in person by 8:15am. I'm anticipating an all group gathering to start in the gym or cafeteria. Bring your lunch. Unfortunately, we will not be going to Elmore State Park for a luncheon and team work on Monday, like in years past. Our group size is not allowable in the park at this time. More details on in-service will be provided prior to the 17th, but plan to come ready to help create our new way of doing school. I'm not sure when the paraprofessionals will join us, but we are thinking about you and will have details soon. 

There is a group of staff members working on PA specific plans for in-service. Please feel free to add you ideas, wants, and needs to the following document: YOUR IN-SERVICE IDEAS

The week of August 31 - September 4th is not planned. It's a time for you to rest, get ready, do what you need to get ready for our start on September 8th (which will be with new students 9th graders ONLY ).

Schedule Update

The administration and guidance team are working diligently to produce a course schedule. We know that you and your students need to know what and when classes will occur. What I do know at this point is that in the Hybrid Model it looks like students will have 4 courses each semester and you will likely be teaching 3.  Everyone will be remote on Wednesday and all teachers will be expected in the building on M, T, Th, and F.  The answer about what students will be in the building on what days remains to be determined. We will have more semester long courses and, as I mentioned last week, some course will be cut from the offerings due to enrollment. We expect to have a schedule by the end of the week and you can learn about more details by joining the School Board meeting on Monday night, the Staff check in on Tuesday AM, or the parent meeting on Tuesday night. (see below for links to these opportunities)

If you have concerns about being in school or simply want more information about safety planning and other changes to school due to COVID 19, please refer the LSUU Strong and Healthy Plan

Below are links to information about the 100% Remote Learning Option for Students
     - Intro Letter 
     - FAQ


Ongoing Staff Check in:
I hope your gardens are a bright spot, too!

     Tuesday 8am
     Wednesday 8am

8/10 - LSUU Board Meeting - Schedule Presentation 
   Link to Board meeting - ZOOM
8/11 - Leadership Team Meeting 3pm (OPEN TO ALL)
8/11 - Parent Engagement Opportunity (you are welcome to join)
      Tuesday 6:30pm  Click this link to access the MEET.
8/17 - First day of In-Service
8/17 - 8/28 - In-Service
*9/8 - First day of School - 9th GRADE ONLY Change announced by Governor on 7/28

This week's Link(s): 

Teaching and Learning in the Pandemic

Free Virtual Training: Inclusive Environments for LGBTQ+ Youth



There is a new Greenhouse on Campus!


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