September 12 - You are all Outstanding!


Congratulations on a great start to the school year. We poured out a ton of energy and work to re-open safely and positively. This was and remains a monumental implementation effort. I am grateful for your patience, flexibility and commitment. I know there are many questions and problems that are yet to be solved. I appreciate your help and initiative with solving these problems through creative and optimistic lenses. 

I want to remind everyone that we are in the re-opening phase. This phase will last at least another 2-3 three weeks. Hopefully, after a few weeks we can start to move toward the next phase of school 2020-21. 

The administration is working diligently to plan for the next phase. Your voice will be included in the process. This phase will involve more transitions during the day that will equate to more time to students each week, more classes each day, and shorter periods. I know the long block is hard and I am thankful for your creative and inspirational methods for making it work. It is because of your ideas and excellence that we've gotten this far. Thank you! 


Speaking of being awesome, it is once again our year to nominate a recipient for the UVM Outstanding Teacher Nomination. Every three years PA nominates one teacher to be our recipient of this distinction. While you all deserve to be honored for your talents and hard work, we can only nominate one person at a time. Thus, if you would like to nominate a PA teacher for the UVM Outstanding Teacher award, please complete this Survey.


This Week's Link: 

PA in the news - can you find yourself in the photos? 



- TA Partners 2020: Check out your partner in the event you cannot make TA.

- Fire Drill:  On September 21st & 22nd during period 4 we will physically practice a fire drill.  Please review your emergency packets before then to confirm meeting locations and procedures.  

- 'Assigned Seating': Please be sure to create a system in your classes for you to keep track of where students sit and who they sit next to. This is the for purpose of contact tracing if we ever need it. You can track seating by creating a seat chart, taking a photo of where students are sitting, etc. We just need a simple and quick way to determine who was sitting next to who on any given day. If you have not done this so far, don't worry. But, please do your best moving forward, thanks. 

- Lunchtime: I know there remains some question and discomfort around eating in the classrooms. I am working on ways to resolve the issues. 

Also, there was some question about lunchtime trash. Please put trash from your room trash cans into the barrels in the hallways after lunch. You or a student can do this. If you are outside, you can put the trash directly into the dumpster or the hallway barrels. 

- Walking Field Trips: If you would like to take your students off campus please review the PA Field Trip Procedures & Forms document and submit the corresponding paperwork. 

Need Protection? We got you covered - stop by the office to pick some up. 

- Tech Drop-ins - LSUU is providing tech drop-ins again this year. They start next week. They will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3 to 4. They are entered in the LSUU Calendar which is where the Google Meet link will live. Topics will be posted on the calendar and I will send an email reminder to faculty if there is a specific topic or outside presenter. All other dates will be open sessions. Anyone can come any day.


9/15 - Next Leadership Team Meeting

9/16 1pm, next Leadership Team meeting

9/16 - 8am Best Practice

Staff Spirit theme: GREEN & GOLD

9/18-9/20  Rosh Hashanah: No Testing or major assignments due. 

9/28 - Yum Kippur (Please no tests or major assignments due on 9/28 nor 9/29) This is marked on our calendar's as a non-school day, however, this might change. An update will provided ASAP. 


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

9/16 - 9:00-9:30 am  (remote)

    - Please read announcements and plan the rest on your own. Here are some activity ideas for your to use.  



Mid-class strettttchhhh. 

Off to a great start!

PE is 'on target' 

Well Spaced!



Happy Birthday!!!

Better Late Than Never 


Averill McDowell June 6

Dorienne Cedeno June 16

Andrea Barberi June 22

Mike Dolan June 29

Jen Bickart June 30


Jon Vandernat July 5

Brian Rafferty July 20

Kate Toland July 26


Karen Perry Aug. 2

Angeline Faraci Aug.18


Trevor Putvain Sept. 1

Dan Bruce Sept. 9


Bill Slocum Sept. 15

Rachel Duffy Sept.19


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