September 25 - Game on....

After a nearly 7 month hiatus, high school team competitions are back! PA Girls v. North Country on Tuesday 9/29 is the official start for us. At the moment, due to capacity limits and guidelines, spectators are limited to two family members of players only. After a trial period, we may open our spectator permissions to students, staff and the community. We do need some help with managing the field space. If you are interested in helping, please see Matt E - and the bonus would be that you get to see the game and support our students. Also, there is an outside chance that home games will be live streamed and available for viewing. Stay tuned for more information. 


This Week's Link: 

Please complete the School Safety and Operations Survey if you have not already. As part of our Strong and Healthy Plan 2020-2021, we committed to "review of expanded in-person schedules after three weeks of school." Your feedback is essential for our planning and decision-making!  Please follow the link above and complete this survey by the end of the day on Tuesday, September 29.



It's almost time to move.....: Shhhhhh, the following information is 'internal' and for your planning and preparation purposes only. It's looking like PA we will move to Step 3 (part a) on Oct 5th. This will mean that we will have all 4 classes each day. It will involve a new 'BELL' and lunch schedule. You can anticipate periods being 65-75 minutes long. We are still ironing out communication and schedule details. Thus, it is important not to share with students or families at this point. Not all LSUU schools are moving at the same time and definitely not the same way. This is another reason to wait for word from me or Tracy that it's time to start communicating with students because families with students in multiple schools will be getting different information. 

Monday 9/28: School buildings are open during the normal school day hours for employees on Monday, September 28.  Please screen, sign in, and follow all normal safety guidance. That does not mean you have to be in.  Hopefully, you have too many day off activities planned. 

Substitutes: We have a limited number of substitutes who are willing to come in this school year.  As a start, beginning next Tuesday when CLASSROOM TEACHERS need to enter an absence in Frontline they should mark that a sub IS required.  The system will then do outreach and we will try to fill the vacancy.

Please understand that we are truly limited on sub availability and do not have the capacity to assign a sub to each building for their daily use.  Subs know that they need to wear a mask and complete a health screening.  We are informing them that they need to report to the school office for building-specific details about daily procedures.

ConferencesWe will be providing parents & students with evening time on Thursday 10/15 and day times on 10/16 for conferences. Work hours on 10/16 will be adjusted to accommodate for Thursday evening hours. The conferences will be remote. Work is being done now to communicate with parents (and you) about how to schedule times. 

Early Release October 30 canceled: This will be a full day of school, not an early release, which the school calendar currently indicates. We will be communicating this with families next week.

You bring many characteristics of success to our school and your students. Above is your reminder that collectively and individually you are amazing! (Thank you Michele for the creative display)


9/28 - Yom Kippur - NO SCHOOL (Please no tests or assignments due on 9/28 nor 9/29) 

9/30 - 8am Best Practice    Staff Spirit theme: Staff "Breakfast" - you figure it out?

10/8-10/9 Picture Days - Photos will occur from 8:00am-10:15am.

10/15 & 16 - Conferences - details to be worked out. 

11/11 - LSUU In-Service Day - no Best Practice, TA, Flex, etc (there will be time set aside for grading 1st quarter)


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

9/16 - 9:00-9:30 am - Remote - send students an invite

    - We need everyone to Please complete this short Activity. (FYI - Michele will inform all advisors who still needs to complete the SEL survey before next week's TA)


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Reading in the meadow (Euro Lit)

The Driver Education Dance - see Steve for lessons. 



It's here

From a parent: 'I am sure you don't hear it nearly enough, but I believe you, the staff and teachers are all doing an amazing job with this unprecedented learning style.  The morning drop-offs are very quick and well-orchestrated, it is apparent that our children's learning and emotional well-being are a priority, and important lessons in flexibility and adaptability are being taught.  These are very important life skills that will be carried forward throughout our children's lives.'


Happy Birthday: 

Paula Mallo Sept 28th

Lesley Schuster Oct 2nd

Mark McNall Oct 10th


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