September 17 - Thank you for your hard work!
Thank you again for your continued focus, hard work and patience with the re-opening of Peoples Academy. As we move into our third week of school hopefully some things will become more routine and easier to manage.
The PA Educational Support Team (counselors, admin, etc) made plans during in-service to target our third week as the first time to do a formal social emotional 'check in' with our students. Through several informal processes, such as TA, our opening circles, and best practice discussion, we've been checking the overall and individual 'pulse' on how kids are doing. During TA on 9/23 we'd like you to do a more formal group and individual check. The process for how you can check in with your TA group and how to direct your advisees to complete the survey are in this week's TA Activity Script. We will be asking students to complete the survey multiple times throughout the fall to help us track individual and schoolwide social and emotional well-being. Please take a few minutes to review the activity prior to Wednesday 9/23. Also, feel free to adjust the script and process to meet the needs of your individual TA, but make sure to ask each advisee to complete the survey. You will have access to the results and will be able to see if any of your advisees did not complete it.
If you have not already done so, please nominate a peer for the UVM Outstanding Teacher
Schedule Update: Our admin team is continuing to draft a Step 3 schedule and we hope to have something for you to view for feedback soon. We also need to consider the potential for moving to back to stage 1 - fully remote. On that note, could you please look at last spring's remote schedule and comment on it any ideas you have to improve it. Also, feel free to add comments about new ideas or things that you think worked really well. The Leadership Team will be considering your input and discussing this next Wednesday.
This Week's Link:
This looks interesting: Our Chance
Updates & 'To Do's':
To Do:
Morning Screening: Please, when possible, complete your screening prior to coming to school. This is helpful for several reasons. First, it makes the process quick when you arrive to school. It also prevents what is turning into a 'bottleneck' at 7-7:15, slowing down your
ability to get into your classroom. Also, if it turns out that you do not pass the screening we don't have to send you home because you would already be there.Emergency Drills - REMINDER; please let Michele know if your emergency exit route from the building requires you to 'travel against' the One-Way Route design.
Attendance: Please contact Michele when a remote student is absent. A remote students is absent when they do not show up for a remote Google Meet, do not turn in an assignment when expected to, or do not collaborate on a project/assignment/task when expected to. If you have questions, please see Michele or Phil.
Nod Extension: We are going to ask students to add this Nod extension to their Google Chrome for use during Google Meets. If you have already done so, please do, it will also help us during our meetings.
Lunchtime (Indoor Eating Update): We continue to work diligently to create a safe and clear set of guidelines for eating inside. We are balancing the need to draft a plan for short term (done and communicated to necessary parties) a plan for step 2 (the current re-opening plan - 1 class transition) and a plan for step 3 (multiple transitions). We hope to have a plan to share for review by mid-next week that will include coverage rotation, use of additional space, and outdoor options.
Comprehensive Response Plan to identified COVID cases in our system
Tech Drop-In's
Open Session - Available for Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Thursday from 3:00-4:00
9/23 - 8am Best Practice Staff Spirit theme: Tropical
9/23 - 1pm Leadership Team
9/18-9/20 Rosh Hashanah: No Testing or major assignments due.
9/28 - Yum Kippur - NO SCHOOL (Please no tests or major assignments due on 9/28 nor 9/29)
10/8-10/9 Picture Days - Photos will occur from 8:ooam-10:15am.
TA (Teacher Advisory)
9/23 - 9:00-9:30 am - Remote - send students an invite
- Announcements & Activity (definitely take some time to review this activity prior to Wednesday)
Schoolwide Happenings:
Happy Birthday:
Rachel Duffy Sept 19
Matt Ehrenreich Sept 21
Paula Mallo Sept 28
Lesley Schuster Oct 2
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