September 2 - To Hybrid we go....


These Dog-Bird Hybrids are Awesomely Creepy (15 Pics) | Sneakhype
My Pet DogBird

There are a lot of  hybrid things.  I'm thinking of things like hybrid bikes or cars (I own one), multi-tools, mules, etc. Many of these things don't do anything well, but they do perform a variety of things ok.  I'm not knocking these inventions, they just don't do any one thing exceptionally well. For example, most road bikes are great for riding on roads. Mt bikes are great for riding trails. Hybrid bikes (a mix of both) don't do great on roads or trails, but they get you by. Truth is, it's really hard to do two things at once, it's kind of impossible to excel at two things at once, unless you are Bo Jackson. But, not all hybrids are created equal. 

This Hybrid Learning idea....there is some serious potential here. One reason is because you are not actually teaching two different ways at the same time, you are moving fluidly from one to the other. That's why Bo (and Neon Deion (this is pretty funny if you stick with it) could play both football and baseball at an exceptional level. He only did one at a time. He wasn't trying to hit a baseball while wearing his football helmet. He wasn't trying to be a dog and a bird at the same time (see photo). 

I'm looking forward to seeing how you all prove that Hybrid's can work. I'm excited to see how you put your creative juices together and design new and improved ways of learning for our students.  



This Week's Link: 

Addressing Student Stress: this a quick read with helpful insight for how to consider student stress levels; scroll to the bulleted list in the middle of the article for a simple summary. 



1. COVID 19 AOE Guidance for Schools- one stop shop

Remember to go with the flow...
         - Strong & Healthy Start (AOE) - see FAQ3, dated 8/27 for materials distribution update

2. PA Welcome Back to Families Letter - lots of good info in here, and, Letter Home #2 

3. New shorter Building Access Screening Form

4. Morning Screening Process

5. 1st Chapel Instructions and 1st Chapel Health and Safety Protocols

5. Lunch Transition and Dismissal Process

  - Lunch Ordering Process

  - Pre-order Form

6. Flex Scheduling

7. Final PA Bell Schedule - nice printable document

8. PA LIBRARY supports for faculty/staff

9. Fall Spots Update & FAQ

10. Mask Wearing Protocol

     - non compliance response

Other stuff: 

Emergency Drill Procedures - script coming soon, the drills will not require exiting your room, nor the building - EXCEPT THE FIRST DRILL which will be a fire drill and will require exiting

Sprayers and Rags - you may use more than one sprayer bottle in your classroom and as many as 5 rags. If you have several students help with the process it can occur more quickly. 

Recording & Hosting Google HangOuts: Do not record Google hangouts/meets without explicit permission from your students. If you want to host a Google Hang Out with your Remote Students and In-Person students at the same time, this is ok. Limit as best as possible the view 'into your classroom'. Your students will likely need headphones to avoid potential echo issues. If you want more information please see Phil. 

Video Recording Lessons for remote learning while in your classrooms: If you would like to record lessons to be used by students remotely and want to remove your mask for spoken language clarity, it is ok to do so. Please use good professional judgment, maybe doing it at the end of the day after students have gone or prior to a time when people will not be in the room, perhaps with windows open, etc.  Put a sign on the door---recording in progress--so that others don’t pop in unexpectedly and know that your mask is off in the room.

Field Trips: To provide clarity for the 2020-21 school year, the LSUU School Board, at it's Aug 17 meeting took action that allows day trips in Vermont only if safety and health guidance from the the VT AOL, ACCD and DOH can be followed. We will not be approving or supporting the planning of any overnight or out of state trips. Consider virtual trips, trips within virtual walking distance of the school, and if circumstances allow, trips to Vermont sites. 



8/31-9/4 - breathe, rest, relax, get ready & have fun

Get out and Enjoy the Woods! 

9/8 - First day of School (GOLD) & Fall Sports Begin

            - opening starts in front of band shell

9/9 - 8am Best Practice

- Staff Spirit theme: Wear a hat (that means wear a hat to the meeting if you want to)

9/10 - Another First Day or School (GREEN)

           - opening starts in front of band shell

9/15 - Next Leadership Team Meeting


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

9/9 - 9:00-9:30 am - Remote - send students an invite

    - TA Activity for Wednesday 9/9 

9/10 & 11 - During afternoon Flex time, meet with your advisory outside in designated areas 

   - TA Activity for Thursday/Tuesday 9/10-11


This is the t-shirt line up for the first 4 days of in-person. If you don't have* this shirt, or don't want to wear it, that's ok. But, please try to wear something that fits with the theme/colors of the day. We do this as a visual display of welcoming and celebrating our students. 

* There may be some extras in the office for new staff



Annie and Abby Boudreau recently joined the VERMONT YOUTH LOBBY and, not surprisingly immediately stepped in and up to take a leadership role. They are focused on climate legislature. They recently took charge on a statewide call to action related to the Global Warming Solutions Act


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