October 15 - Get ready to bring your Spirit!


Who is going to challenge this crew for the most spirit!?!

Next week is Spirit Week and when you "Bring it" school is more fun for you and everyone else. It's also an excuse for you to wear your sweat suits and pajamas to school. I look forward to seeing your creative and spirited ensembles. 

Monday: the theme is PJ's and/or anything but a backpack (meaning carry your stuff in a tote, shopping cart, whatever else....)


This Week's Link(s): 

Getting close to grading time - Course Proficiencies ; Course Narratives


The more things change, the more they stay the same - 11th graders taking the PSAT on Wednesday


Duties & Morning Circulator: Thank you for doing your duties. It does help in our effort to maintain a safe and positive environment at PA......especially when the greeter plays fun music in the entrance way - THANK You, Rachel. Please be sure to check for when it's your turn. 

     - Morning Circulator: please swing by the library hallways and into the gym between 7:45-7:55. If students are lingering in those areas, please ask them kindly to move on to their period 1 classes. This is not much of a problem and your effort will help to keep it this way. 

Thank you for your Feedback: Thanks for completing the 'Weekly Notes' feedback form. Based on your feedback, I'm not going to change anything about how I design these notes at this time. One person suggested a 'to do' section. I integrate the 'to do's' into the Updates, Calendar, and TA sections, which is why they are next to each other. If anyone has suggestions about how to create a more user friendly 'to do' section, please let me know. 

Students live chat with UVM Admissions


10/18 - Best Practice   3pm Library

PA XC Invitational

10/18 - Complete Mastery Narratives

10/22-24- Homecoming Weekend

10/25 - JOINT  Best Practice with PAML  -  3pm Location to TBD  - The SUPERINTENDANT will be here to co-present the goals and direction of our school district 

10/27-28 - Tech 'Drop In' sessions to support grading

10/29 - EARLY RELEASE & Grades due

11/11 - In-Service

11/24-26 - Thanksgiving Break

Athletic Calendar

Jim Eisenhardt Retirement and Career will be recognized during halftime of the Girls Homecoming game on next Friday.


Let the games begin.....
TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:    TA Takedown Round #2 continues: Announcements: Flex sign up for Next Monday/Tuesday

Friday: TA arrives, take attendance, then head to Pep Rally (weather permitting). More details to follow soon.


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Atomic Habits/Scholarly Habits taking shape in a unique collaboration between Van, Doug, Rita and Kyle. 

More of Kyle in World History 1

The Ups & Downs of Calculus - I know there is a more mathematical word for that graphic.

Some views into a friends club



Congrats to our Golf Team who placed 3rd in the division 2 State Championships, even without two of our top golfers. Ty Whyte and Ashton Tibbits (10th graders) finished 3rd and 4th overall in the state! 

Happy Birthday

Anne deVos  Oct. 17

Moira Donovan  Oct. 25

Van Carr  Oct. 28


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