October 22 - Homecoming Games start today!


Thanks for sharing your spirit this week, and for holding down the fort while I was absent. There was a lot of good energy in the building this week and I appreciate your efforts to make that happen. 

*Best Practice on Monday is in the Cafe!*



Reminder: Please report students who are not in compliance  with mask wearing by using a referral form.


10/25 - JOINT  Best Practice with PAML  -  3pm MEET IN CAFETERIA  - The
SUPERINTENDANT will be here to co-present the goals and direction of our school district 

10/27-28 - Tech 'Drop In' sessions to support grading

10/29 - EARLY RELEASE & Grades due            

11/11 - In-Service

11/24-26 - Thanksgiving Break

Athletic Calendar


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:   Finish up your Hand Shakes - your video is due soon; Announcements

Friday: Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Math Puzzles in AMAT

Astronomy Student Reports

1 on 1 in CC-Algrebra

AP Lit assignment
Did I miss a wedding reception? 



Thank you Kate and Jen for helping to organize a successful 'pep rally' 

Happy Birthday

Moira Donovan  Oct. 25

Van Carr  Oct. 28

Carrie Felice  Oct. 31

Lindsey Yablonowski  Nov. 6


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