January 21 - Brrrrrr


Can you see the moon?

It's looking like a good start to semester 2. I've seen lots of engaged students as I pop into classrooms and the mood is mellow and positive. I hope you find relaxation and ways to stay warm this weekend. 


This Week's Link(s):

The January theme for Cultivating Resilience is Compassion: Dealing with our Wandering Minds is a quick read into understanding our minds and those of others. 


Beyond Bias & Burn Bright Offerings in February, 2022

Venue: Online

Fee: No Cost

Registration Deadline: February 1st

Target Audience: All Vermont Educators

Open Registrations for February 2022 are now open for Beyond Bias and Burn Bright.



COVID Response: Contact tracing procedures have recently changed.  At this point you can expect the same correspondence that we share with families if there is a confirmed case in your room.  This information will provide guidance and next steps.  
Housekeeping Reminder - If you didn't see this earlier, please remember that the following items are not permitted in classrooms or offices as they do not fall into our fire safety code and insurance agreement:
Electric kettles
Long term use of twinkle lights
Coffee makers
Electric heaters 
Remember that you should email msdfixit@lsuu.org for any repairs or requests. See the link above for the full reminder.


1/24: Best Practice   3pm Library

The frigid morning commute

1/31: Best Practice   3pm Library

2/4 - In-Service

Athletic Calendar


TA (Teacher Advisory)  

Tuesday:   Announcements, Flex Sign UP, please have any student who missed school last Friday complete the SRSS student survey (they should look for the email from Michele)

Friday: TA Takedown, Announcements, Flex Sign UP


Schoolwide Happenings: 


Rationalizing the irrational (#'s)

The return of Ceramics and Forge w/ Fire!

Ski club.....you can join, too.


Well said...

Happy Birthday

Chris Walsh  Jan. 31

Steve Hudak  Feb. 2


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