April 29 - And so it begins....

And so it begins, the next seven weeks will present numerous opportunities for students to demonstrate their understanding and progress with learning. Pictured above are students taking the SAT on Tuesday at the America Legion building downtown. Starting today AP exams began and more opportunities will continue to pop up in the coming weeks. The next seven weeks also presents numerous opportunities for students to connect socially and to work with one another in new ways. Some examples are Prom (May 14), Community Service Day (May 20), and Memorial Day Observance (May 27). The pace is going to pick up and I encourage you to think back to our conversation and reflection on 'perseverance' from Best Practice. A big topic that I heard in numerous places was 'self care'. So, get outside and enjoy the coming warm weather, growing shades of green, and fresh air. 

Another great Artstronomy


This Week's Link(s):

Here is your chance to give feedback for Curriculum Camp. The window for feedback is closing soon! 



June 1st - Mark your Calendar for the annual Alchemist Teacher
event with free food, music, gifts, and more.....(and get ready for some more appreciation coming soon.)


5/4 - GREEN & GOLD 

5/9 -  Best Practice   3pm Library

5/11 - GREEN & GOLD 

A sure sign of April in VT
5/14 - Prom

5/16 -  Best Practice   3pm Library

5/18 - GREEN & GOLD 

5/20 - SERVICE DAY/Spring Fling in the works

5/25 - GREEN & GOLD 

5/27 - Memorial Day Observance

6/? - Proposal brewing for a Senior Trip

6/1 - GREEN & GOLD 

June 1 - Alchemist Teacher Appreciation Event - 4-6 pm


6/8 - GREEN & GOLD 

6/12 - Baccalaureate

6/13 -  Best Practice   3pm Library

6/14 - Last Day of School - Last Chapel

l6/15-17 - In-Service 

6/16 - PA Graduation

Athletic Calendar


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:    Finish up the Word TA Takedown ;Announcements

Friday: Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Forensics class at the Union Bank for counterfeit money and scamming recon

Astronomy class checking out the Fairbanks Museum

Students explore the concept of 'moles' in Chemistry

Andi Tisdell presents in the Entrepreneurship class 'Shark Tank"



The return of TA excursions to town!


Sometimes celebrations are bittersweet. I'd like to congratulate Jen Bickart who recently accepted a new teaching position in Middlebury. She will be moving there after this school year to be close to family and to build a new home (a longtime goal of hers). We are sad to see her go, but happy for her to start this new part of her life.


Happy Birthday

Mary Bell  May 7

Michele Walker  May 10

Kyle Adams  May 11

Jeff Brynn  May 11


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