4/1 - Da Vinci is coming to PA!


Tuesday night!

I was going to save this announcement until Monday, but I think it might be leaked via social media later today. Thus, I'm going to spill the beans now. (Averill please don't get mad at me for giving away your secret.) We have a very special and significant opportunity coming to our Art Show and Concert next Tuesday night. 

As some of you may know, Lesley and Rita have worked extensively with a local
Astronomy Club. Turns out some of these local astronomers have some impressive connections and deep pockets. Anyway, when one of the leaders heard about our upcoming Art Show, that is featuring some Astronomy themed art work, he gave me a call (in confidence). He offered something unbelievable. In his friend's private residence art collection in, you guessed it, Stowe, he has an ORIGINAL little known 3D wooden sculpture of the moon created by LEONARDO DA VINCI. And, he's going to to bring it to the Art Show for viewing. That's right, Da Vinci was into Astronomy, too*. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, not only to have a Da Vinci at our school but to one in real life. How cool is this?! 

Example of Da Vinci wood sculpture

However, because of the social media leak that I've heard is coming, I'm really worried about the number of people who might attend the show. I'm excited that they will see the work and hear the music of our students, but I NEED HELP with crowd control. If you are willing to help out with organizing and maintaining the crowds at the upcoming show, please let me know. 

*If you know a little more than typical about Da Vinci, you know he was interested in and dabbled in just about everything. To learn more about Da Vinci and bringing creativity to your classroom, see the link below.)


This Week's Link(s):

Picking back up on the them of Play & Create....

Promoting Creativity in the Classroom: this article starts with vignette
about 2nd graders, but don't let that stop you from reading on. If you scroll a bit there a few useful bolded lists of ideas and strategies that are a quick read and could probably give all us something to think about and add to our work. By the way, the opening vignette could likely be adapted for a high school classroom. 

Another quick list: 20 Clever ways to engage student creativity

EXTRA BONUS - I'm rooting for UCONN but You and I both will appreciate Stanford's Dance (wait a few seconds)



The CELL PHONE Impact on Learning Schoolwide Optional Forum has moved from Monday 4/4 to Thursday 4/7 during Flextime. This is an open and optional event for students to voice their ideas, opinions, and experiences with Cell Phones at PA to the PA Leadership Team. If you need to call a student back to flex next Thursday, that takes precedent over this Forum. 


4/1 - Quarter 1 Ends

4/2 -  PA Students Participate in Science Olympiad

4/5 - Art Show 5:30 pm 
High School Concert 7:00 pm (Aud)

4/5 & 4/6 - 9th Grade ELA SBAC testing in the computer lab

4/7 - Flex time open forum in the Aud on Cell Phone use @ PA

4/11 -  Best Practice   3pm Library

4/18-4/22: Spring Break

4/25 -  Best Practice   3pm Library

4/29 - Community Meeting - This is a change to the calendar due to a conflict with testing. This is a FRIDAY Community Meeting and we will have the meeting FIRST and Flex afterwards. 

6/16 - PA Graduation

Athletic Calendar - Spring Sports are still practicing ....


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:  The next great TA Takedown; Announcements, Flex Sign up

Friday: Early Release - No TA


Schoolwide Happenings: 

More from that French classroom....

Well said and hopefully the Cell Phone Forum helps gives us some new direction.

95 runners in one gym is a tight fit!



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