April 15 - Happy Jackie Robinson Day!


What would Jackie do? (joy 1)

It's a rare opportunity when that same day I write to send you off to a glorious Spring Break, it is also one of my favorite days of MLB (Major League Baseball). While the MLB, like many professional sports these days, is too often driven by money and power, there are moments that remain very positive and moving. Jackie Robinson Day is one of those moments when professional sports and MLB, in particular, use their very influential platform for something good and important that is beyond their sport. I urge you to take a moment to catch a glimpse of how Jackie Robinson Day plays out today across our country. It can definitely provide some hope, inspiration, and appreciation. All things, by the way, that I very much appreciate you bringing to our school; day after day, despite the challenges we face. Thank you and enjoy your break. 


This Week's other Link(s):

joy 2
Where does joy hide? Watch this TED Talk on the surprisingly tangible
roots of joy. We all can find - and create - more of it in our everyday lives.  (*Scroll to minute # 9 if you want to get to the point and IDEAS for us, quickly)



Final Community Meeting and Final Chapel - We are in the developmental stages of adjusting our end of the year celebrations. At the moment, this year we are having TWO final celebrations at the end of the year. The first, FINAL Community Meeting, will focus on celebrations and individual award presentations, such as, dept awards, that are for ALL students. The second, will be a shortened FINAL CHAPEL, for senior awards, senior video, etc. Please see leadership team members or Phil if you ideas and feedback. 


4/18-4/22: Spring Break

4/25 -  Best Practice   3pm Library

4/27 - GREEN & GOLD 

4/29 - Community Meeting - This is a change to the calendar due to a conflict with testing. This is a FRIDAY Community Meeting and we will have the meeting FIRST and Flex afterwards. 

5/4 - GREEN & GOLD 

5/9 -  Best Practice   3pm Library
joy 3

5/11 - GREEN & GOLD 

5/14 - Prom

5/16 -  Best Practice   3pm Library

5/18 - GREEN & GOLD 

5/20 - SERVICE DAY/Spring Fling in the works

5/25 - GREEN & GOLD 

5/27 - Memorial Day Observance

6/? - Proposal brewing for a Senior Trip

6/1 - GREEN & GOLD 


6/8 - GREEN & GOLD 


6/13 -  Best Practice   3pm Library

6/14 - Last Day of School - Last Chapel

l6/15-17 - In-Service 

6/16 - PA Graduation

Athletic Calendar

It just keeps growing and growing.... (joy 4)

Thank you for the lovely greeting this morning! (joy 5)


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday 4/26:   Flex sign up; Announcements

Friday 4/29: Take attendance and sit with TA in Aud for Community Meeting


Schoolwide Happenings: 

English 9 recreates the trial of To Robinson from To Kill A Mockingbird



Have a great break! 

As some of you may know, we have made some additions to our Special Education programing across the district. At PA, we added a Transition Coordinator position to help with 18-22 year olds and other transitions from HS to the real world and college. We are happy to announce that Liz Sanner (PAML) will be taking on the role for us next year. 


Happy Birthday

Jim Calhoun  April 17

Chris Player  April 20

Margo Warden  April 20


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