November 11 - Take a moment to recognize a veteran in your life


Scenes from the Art Show: awesome turnout, awesome art!

Soccer isn't the only thing worth celebrating from this week.....


This Week's Link(s):

What skills for LSUU students are most important in the 21st century?

Lamoille South is spearheading an innovative way to create a shared vision for the LSUU graduate by engaging all stakeholders (students, teachers, families, etc.) in the community to understand the most important characteristics, skills, and experiences that graduates of LSUU need to prepare them for success in learning and life. The Portrait of a Graduate (PoG) will be shared with the community following the project and will be used for future strategic planning.

The PoG team is composed of students, staff, community members, parents, and administrators from across the PreK-12 LSUU district. 

Please take a moment to complete this ONE QUESTION SURVEY. 


Quote of the Week: 

“Ultimately the goal of learning is transfer. It’s owning your learning and being a learner out in the world without a teacher at your side.”

- from the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) by Franci Crepeau-Hobson, Mary Ann Rafoth, Michele Milhouse, and Elizabeth Williams in Communiqué, November 2022



11/11 In-Service Schedule


11/14 - Best Practice   3pm Library

11/14 - Winter Sports Info Meeting 6pm

11/17-20 - The Little Mermaid, Auditorium

11/21 - Best Practice   3pm Library

11/22 - Community Meeting (NO TA)

11/23-25 - Thanksgiving Break

12/12 - Best Practice   3pm Library

12/23 - 30 - December Break


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Tuesday (11/15): Community Meeting; Go to TA first

Friday( (11/18): Gratitude Activity; Flex sign up; Announcements

Tuesday( (11/22): Digital Wellness ActivityFlex sign up; Announcements

Tuesday (11/29): Climate Survey Review; Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Keep your eyes and ears out for more from this crew coming soon....THANK YOU Dan and Averill for showcasing our students work!

Checking out cells in Bio

Students gleaning at local farms via our Farm to School program

Gabriela and PA students at the annual Student Athletic Leadership Conference in Burlington



Congratulations to the Boys Soccer Team who completed an outstanding season with a 3-2 win over Woodstock in the Division 3 State Championship game. This was the team’s second title in three years. Special thanks to all of you who helped with things like the clock (Sheila), audio (Peter), and demonstrating being amazing spectators for all of our teams and students this fall.

Congrats and thanks to Angie. She will be will be stepping down from coaching the boys varsity at PA. She was an amazing coach, mentor, colleague and leader for our school and students. Thankfully, she will remain at PAML to teach, but she is taking time away from coaching (at PA) to be with her family. We will miss her on the field.

Happy Birthday

Julie Gravel  Nov. 19


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