November 18 - Don't be an 'UNFORTUNATE SOUL' - go see the show!


Ariel and the Prince, oh so close....

Definitely try to fit Little Mermaid into your weekend plans. You will not be disappointed. Congrats to Dave G and his staff and thespians for putting a fantastic show and injected a lot of fun into our student body. 

Sebastian getting 'props' from the mermaid sisters

Ursula states her case


Enjoy the weekend and coming break. You all have been cranking it our for a long stretch and some time off is going to feel nice. Thank you for all of your hard work, care for each other and our students and ongoing commitment to the Peoples Academy community. 

(This will be the final Weekly Notes for November)


Quote of the Week: 

'For all you do, for who you are, I will be forever grateful...)as will your students)' - Google

Thank you for all of your sharing!


This Week's Link(s):

Delayed Opening Schedule (In case we need it...)

If you missed it last week.....

What skills for LSUU students are most important in the 21st century?

Lamoille South is spearheading an innovative way to create a shared vision for the LSUU graduate by engaging all stakeholders (students, teachers, families, etc.) in the community to understand the most important characteristics, skills, and experiences that graduates of LSUU need to prepare them for success in learning and life. The Portrait of a Graduate (PoG) will be shared with the community following the project and will be used for future strategic planning.

The PoG team is composed of students, staff, community members, parents, and administrators from across the PreK-12 LSUU district. 

Please take a moment to complete this ONE QUESTION SURVEY. 



Andrea is a finalist for a new position on the "Last Week Tonight" television show. The role she would take on, if selected, is 'Educator Perspective - what's life really like in high school today'?


11/21 - Best Practice   3pm Library

11/22 - TA - Digital Wellness

11/23-25 - Thanksgiving Break


12/10 - Winter Ball 7:30-10pm

12/12 - Best Practice   3pm Library

12/16 - Holiday Gathering 3:30-5+ BD BBQ

12/19 - Best Practice   3pm Library

12/23 - 30 - December Break

Athletic Calendar

Winter Sports Info night - students from the Student Leadership Team presenting


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday (11/22):  *Digital Wellness Activity (Wellness #4); Flex Sign up (through Monday after break!); Announcements

Tuesday (11/29): *Climate Survey Review; Flex sign up (through Next Monday); Announcements

Friday (12/2): No TA - Early Release

*We will review & prep for these activities during Best Practice


Schoolwide Happenings: 

I'm not sure I would have come up with 5X !



"Heck Yeah" says Jake (PA 08) and a warm and happy THANK YOU from both Averill and Jake for the gift we gave them. Congrats Averill!!

I am happy to announce that there will be a holiday gathering on Friday, December 16th from 3:30-5:00 at Black Diamond BBQ for PA and PAML.  Indoor and outdoor spaces will be available for our use upstairs, in the new event space including the poarch and second bar, and downstairs in the dining room.  Horderves will be provided and spirits will be available for purchase.  Carpooling is encouraged due to the limited number of parking spaces during the winter months.  We will send reminders as we close in on the date.
A match worth celebrating!

Happy Birthday

Julie Gravel  Nov. 19

Sheila Jones  Dec. 7


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