Dec 22 - Happy Vacation and New Year

Whose got spirit? You got Spirit!! Let's go...

Thanks for everything that you all do. We have a great school community and it starts with your kindness, creativity, passion and commitment. I hope you all have a great final school week of the 2022 year and a restful and fun break. All this new snow should help make it fun (for some of us anyway). Thank you and enjoy! 


Quote of the Week: 

“Some students require a great deal of structure to succeed, while others would find that level of scaffolding to be suffocating. Not until teachers can see the world from their students’ eyes will they be able to craft lessons that balance autonomy and structure successfully for them. In the same vein, when does pushing a student to do their best become nagging them? It depends on the student, which is why effective teachers commit to getting to know each of them.”

            Jeff Vomund and Angela Miller (ibid.)


This Week's Link(s):

Kindness and Discipline don't need to be Either Or: 

“‘Don’t Smile Until December’: Bad Advice Based on the Either-Or Fallacy” by Jeff Vomund and Angela Miller



Opportunity Awaits....


12/22 - Pep Rally/Community Meeting during 2nd part of Flextime

12.22 - Rescheduled Staff Celebration at Black Diamond - 3-5pm (come grab a free bite, say hi, and happy new years to your colleagues)

12/23 - 30 - December Break

1/3-1/27 - STAR Reading and Math Window Opens

1/9 - Best Practice  3pm Library

1/13 - Last Day of Q2 - Semester 1

1/16 - MLK Day - LSUU In-Service

1/17 - Community Meeting - NO TA

Athletic Calendar


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Please try to complete the below activity during one of your TA activities the week of January 2. 

Tuesday (Jan 3) : Soar Portrait of a Graduate Activity;  Announcements; Flex sign up

Friday (Jan 6): Soar Portrait of a Graduate Activity; Announcements, Flex sign up


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Cranking out problems in CC Algebra

The Crepe factory has returned to the French wing



Amazing effort with the food fest. I'm glad that you were all able to share with each other as the week winds down. Hopefully we see you all later today! Many thanks to everyone who pitched in with set up and clean up (it takes a team!). Special thanks to Tarah for organizing the food fest and this afternoon's event and to Michele for organizing the giving opportunity. 

You know she teaches, and you may know she's an author/writer, but did you know she's an accomplished painter/artist, too? Congrats Moira!

Happy Birthday

Karsten Weiss  Dec. 21

Jim Chauvin  Dec. 27


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