Dec 16 - Let the celebrating start.... check that...Let is Snow, Let it Snow!


Get your outfits ready, lots of fun ways to dress up next week. 

**We are working with Black Diamond BBQ to reschedule the staff celebration that was planned for this afternoon. In the meantime, enjoy the day.**


Thank you for your time, honesty, and patience during our circle conversation on Monday. Based on your responses and feedback during that circle, my follow up conversations with the SST team,  and discussion with the Leadership Team we have taken some steps to provide the best possible reintegration to school. However, the process remains in flux while we continue communication with the family and local resources. Below is what we are currently planning: 

- Student re-entry TBD (not Monday 12/19). We are hoping to have a team meeting with the family on Monday, at school. 

- Upon return to school, we are recommending a combination of in-school restrictions and shortened days until further notice.

- We will further address the second student involved upon return to school (this student has been out sick for several days).

- We have consulted with our local Restorative Center who affirms that our process thus far is appropriate and on track. They have provided us with some good resources to consider, some of which are linked in these notes. 

On that last note, we plan to notify students as soon as we have a timeline for the students return to school with a message that will consist of a few points: 

     -The student is returning and school is safe, was safe, and will be safe

     -The student has remorse and did not intend to cause any harm

     -The student(s) is facing significant consequences

     -We know that you (students) were impacted and harmed and will set up a time during flex for students to process further and ask questions with adult members of the SST

     -Suggestions for how to help with our collective responsibilities when reintegrated a person to our community who has caused harm

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Phil, Lindsey, Dan or Carrie. We want your ideas in this process, so please talk to us if you have anything to share. 


Quote of the Week: 

'Sometimes it can be difficult to understand why a child chooses to behave in certain ways. However, it’s important to understand that all all behavior happens for a reason.'

        - source:  This is a very helpful and easy/quick read that can help you understand why a student might write harmful graffiti on a bathroom wall. 


This Week's Link(s):

Below are two useful resources when considering the school's restorative response to last week's incident: 

This is the rough format we will use in the optional circle conversation with students. This resource comes from ‘Circle Forward’ a very handy Restorative Practice ‘Bible’.

Restorative Mindset: this resource may help you further understand the perspective we are taking as a school, which is restorative.  



Final Week of Semester Schedule 

Mastery Report Timeline for Q2 



12/19 - Best Practice   3pm CAFE
          - LSUU Superintendent Presentation

12/19-20 - Phil out part of each day

12/21 - Annual Food Fest, Faculty Room

12/22 - Pep Rally/Community Meeting during Flextime

12/23 - 30 - December Break

1/9 - Best Practice  3pm Library

1/13 - Last Day of Q2 - Semester 1

1/16 - MLK Day - LSUU In-Service

1/17 - Community Meeting - NO TA

Athletic Calendar: tonights boys game v Danville is postponed until tomorrow. Go wolves!


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:  Door Decoration Challenge; Announcements; flex sign up

Friday: No School - Happy Break


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Vermont Supreme court visit by Current Events Classes - Judge Cohen offering Advice 

Thanks to everyone who helped to make Winter Ball a success! (Dan G, Reeves, Tarah, Mary Bell, Van Carr, Laura K, Sarah K, MPD)

Health - Debating on the illness- wellness continuum



Coming soon to a hillside near you (as in adjacent to the Observatory). Installation date set for June 1, 2023. 

Happy Birthday

Doug Farquhar  Dec. 17

Karsten Weiss  Dec. 21

Jim Chauvin  Dec. 27


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