December 2 - Future Speakers of America


Public Speaking delivering their Eulogies?! - full of fun, tears, and 'interesting' insights


Quote of the Week: 


This Week's Link(s):

There are some useful tools, ideas, and insights that are bite size in the Social Institute Newsletter related to students and use of technology & social media.



Today's In-Service Agenda

Leadership Team Meeting: We will have two meetings for Leadership Team this month. They will be on 12/5 at 3pm in the library and 12/13 at 3pm in the library. I will need a member from each dept. please. Agenda items will be end of semester schedule, overall schedule, scales work, data analysis, and more. 


2/5 - Leadership Team meeting 3pm Library
- members needed from each dept, please

2/10 - Winter Ball 6:30-9pm

12/12 - Best Practice   3pm Library

2/13 - Leadership Team meeting 3pm Library

12/16 - Holiday Gathering 3:30-5+ BD BBQ

12/19 - Best Practice   3pm CAFE
          - LSUU Superintendent Presentation

12/23 - 30 - December Break

1/9 - Best Practice  3pm Library

Athletic Calendar


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:  Wellness Activity #6 Announcements, flex sign up

Friday: Door Decoration Challenge, Flex sign up, Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Friendsgiving here and below...

NHS members prepping for 'Little Mermaid' pre-show dinner fundraiser
Chemistry 101



Congrats to Kate T and Sophie B for making the Turkey Trop a reality. Thanks to all who attended and helped out, too. This was a great example of a school project turning into a real community event.

Happy Birthday

Sheila Jones  Dec. 7

Jen Hilbert  Dec. 12

Doug Farquhar  Dec. 17


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