January 13 - Friday the Thirteenth!?!? ?Ironic day for assignments to be due!


Thank you for all of your hard work and commitment to our students this semester. We accomplished a a lot and most importantly, our students feel accomplished, too. It was great to see the many ways you helped our students to demonstrate their learning in the past week (pictured above). 


Quote of the Week: 


This Week's Link(s):

Check out this cool new PA Transition Program
If you would like to be included in future editions, please reach out to Liz Sanner. 



1/16 In-Service Agenda


1/16 - MLK Day - LSUU In-Service

1/17 - Community Meeting - NO TA

1/18- Green & Gold Staff Wardrobe

1/23 - Best Practice  3pm Library

1/25- Green & Gold Staff Wardrobe

1/30 - Best Practice  3pm Library

Athletic Calendar

'Coach' Morgan, Shelby, & Emma helping the 7/8 boys team ....at 6AM!!


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:  Community meeting - Meet with TA, take attendance, report and sit with TA in Aud. Seniors to the front. 

Friday: Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Comment est ton Francias? 



Two New Banners in the gym with more on the way...

Max and Rita presenting their Astronomy Research at the 241st(!) American Astronomical Society Conference

Happy Birthday

Rita Angione 1/18 


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