February 3: And then it was winter....


BRRRRRRR! Looks like winter finally arrived. Just in time for our annual Nordic Race (which vanished for a few years, but came back strong on Tuesday). It was awesome to see hundreds of skiers from multiple schools enjoying the trails and sun out back. Thanks to all who made the trek out there and for encouraging students to join the festivities. Our team made a strong showing, and so did our community. The spirit and energy was high and positive. 


Quote of the Week: 

“If you’ve ever attended a meeting where nothing gets solved, it may be because there are too many people who think alike.”

            Temple Grandin (ibid.)


This Week's Link(s):

Van Gogh Motorcycle
Check out the amazing original piece of art work that Karsten 'created'....using a form AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology. Well, the original part is what he wrote into the bot. If you're not paying attention to this new technology, you might want to start. 

But wait, there is hope (?), here is one that claims to help a person identify the likelihood that an AI was used to create a piece of text. 



TECH Update: Today's 3-4pm Newsela training has been rescheduled to next Thursday, February 16th, 3-4pm PA Library.

Agenda: February 3rd In-service 

Hello Teachers!

OSA is attempting to get compost bins back into classrooms to eliminate improper food waste by the school. We have a group of students ready to help maintain these bins but our numbers are small. If any of you would be willing to empty out your own bin twice a week and clean it before you leave for the weekend we would be very grateful. This is totally optional and if you are unable we will make sure a student takes care of the bin in your room. Let mias427@lsuu.org know if you'd be willing to care for your bin. Thank you!


2/3 - No Classes/TA - In -Service

2/6 - No Best Practice  

2/7 - Leadership Team - Need dept reps please - 3pm PA Library

2/13 - Best Practice  3pm Library

2/14 - Community Meeting

2/21 - YRBS during TA (Youth Risk Behavior Survey - state required)

/24 - Winter Carnival is ON!

Athletic Calendar: 

Girls hoops home tonight 5:30/7 and boys home tomorrow (unless rescheduled)


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Friday(2/3): No TA - In- Service

Tuesday (2/7):  Wellness #8 Announcements; Flex sign up

Friday(2/10)Announcements; Flex sign up

Tuesday (2/14): Special Community Meeting

Friday(2/17)Announcements; Flex sign up

Tuesday (2/21):  YRBS surveyAnnouncements; Flex sign up



Schoolwide Happenings: 

Meet game show host 'Van Carr'

Thanks for your time and thoughts about supporting individual students

Vocab game in history with Jill Mudgett

Lots of characters out on the course the other day.



The Vermont Agency of Education announced yesterday this year's Vermont Presidential Scholars.  These outstanding students were selected based on nominations from teachers, administrators, and fellow students.    Peoples Academy is proud to announce that Anna Isselhardt, PA senior, has been named one of this year's scholars. This year’s group of scholars includes students working to destigmatize mental health, bring new facilities to their schools, prioritize equity in their school libraries, found new school clubs, master the trumpet, and teach other students code. 

All State Music Festival Chorus Announcement:  We are very pleased to announce that Jay Speers auditioned and was accepted into the Vermont All State Music Festival Chorus.  This means that Jay has essentially hit for the cycle - he has been accepted into the district festival in Newport, the Vermont All State Music Festival, and the New England Music Festival.

Happy Birthday

Stephanie Alfaro-White  Feb. 7
Kristen Connelly  Feb. 20
Reeves Larson  Feb. 22


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