May 19 - The pace is picking up....


That wasn't snow the other day, it was dandelion fuzz

Thank you for all of your flexibility and hard work down the stretch. We have more big events and important milestones (Prom!) coming up next week. On Monday we will review the plans for our guest speaker. Please mentally prepare for discussing the presentation with your TA (and 8th grader members) on Tuesday and with your period 6, post presentation, on Wednesday. Otherwise, get your rest and enjoy this weekend. 

On Thursday, the torch was passed from old to new NHS. Thank you Dory and Kate for organizing this beautiful and meaningful event. 


Quote(s) of the Week: 

Below is some 'Food for Thought' from a random teacher site I recently check out:  

'You are the reason that someone looks forward to Monday morning'

'Give yourself and your students grace as you wind up the school year'

'Making the days count while you count the days'

- random teachers


This Week's Link(s):

PA student art work

Here's the random site: there are some good ideas in here (scroll to the bottom and check out the links)



1 - As you all read in Ryan’s LSUU Weekly Update, we are implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for all employee Google accounts.... Check that Email I sent last Wednesday for more info and here is the link to directions. Needs to be completed by 5/31.


5/22 - Best Practice  

5/24 - Guest Speaker in the afternoon - 1 ½ hours
- early lunch 12:05-35 (period 5 starts 12:35)

6/1 - Emergency Drill - Evacuation - 1:35pm

6/7 - Alchemist Teacher Appreciation 3:30-7pm (see updates above)

6/12 - Best Practice  

6/14 - Last Chapel 8:15

6/15 - Graduation 6:30

6/15/16 - In service (Thur @ PA; Friday @ Stowe)


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Tuesday (5/23): Chris Herren Introduction ActivityFlex sign up; Announcements  (8TH GRADERS ARE ATTENDING)

Friday(5/26):  NO TA/FLEX - Memorial Day Observance

FYI - FINAL TA - 6/2 


Schoolwide Happenings: 

On Monday, AP Chem students got a head start on Service Day. 

English and Art Students visit Shelburne Museum

Next Steps visits Edward Jones in Morrisville

Presentations in Science Explore



Way to go Sheila - who crushed it as the NHS guest speaker!

Thank you

Happy Birthday  Kim Laidlaw TODAY!


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