October 27 - And that's a wrap...on Q1

Thank you for your ideas, effort, and inspiration during this first quarter of the school year. We've had a strong start, evident in the quality of student work, the general positive and productive student body, and the broad feeling that PA feels safe & welcome. Good luck with grading and your other work. And, thanks in advance to all the folks helping with the Haunted High, especially Reeves, Dan, and Courtney. It should be fun and scary. 

Get your pumpkins done!


Quote of the Week

'The secret to making big shifts through small moves is iteration: making things better and different through a steady commitment to continuous improvement.' 

- Justin Reich in the Someday/Monday Dilemma


This week's Link: 

The Someday/Monday Dilemmagoals

On Monday, the start of the new quarter we will revisit our personal goals for the year. As a primer for your self-reflection and discussion we will read and discuss this excerpt. It is focused on schoolwide goals, but I think you can also connect the concepts to your individual work if you read it through the lends of your perosnal goal. 



Duty Rotation: Please make time in your schedules to fullful to your weekly duties when it is your turn. These duties are part of our collective effort to help students feel safe, connected and welcome at Peoples Academy. If you have a conflict with your duty please try to find someone to swap with and let us know in the main office. Thank you for your time and commitment to making PA awesome. 

Staff Voice/Leadership Structure Q2 - Find your name and let me know if you have a conflict. Otherwise, plan to meet next week in these groups

In-Service Schedule 11/20-21 - Schedule coming soon....Breakfask & Lunch Provided on both days!!!!


10/31- Community Meeting

11/16-18 - Fall Musical, Anastasia

11/20-21 - LSUU In-Service 


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday(10/31: Community Meeting

Friday (11/3): Flex sign up; Announcements


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Working on Outdoor Spaces Accordian Book - stay tuned for an upcoming display.

'Limit' setting in Calculus

Catching the last of the warm days in Advanced French

We've started a new program at PA called 'Dream'. They had a short feild trip on Tuesday. DREAM is a nonprofit youth service organization that brings high-quality mentoring, adventure, and out-of-school enrichment programs to at-promise youth. Our participants receive quality, no-cost activities that deliver enduring, positive relationships and experiences. https://www.dreamprogram.org/
It's great to see all of the energy and leadership around clubs. When students feel a sense connection to school they are far more likely to succeed at school and beyond 

Happy Birthday

Van Carr  Oct. 28

Carrie Felice  Oct. 31

Lindsey Yablonowski  Nov. 6


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