October 6 - Thanks for a Great Trip


Hello Everyone, Thanks for helping to make the All School Trip successful once again. I know that great weather is a big factor, but your flexibility, on the spot efforts, and overall positive attitude also makes it work out. Special thanks to Dan, Tarah, Lesley and Michele for working out all the details and the Kitchen staff for the amazing lunch....one again! Have a great long weekend and take that extra day to plan out your clothing repertoire for next week: 

            Tuesday: Skiing v Surfer

        Wednesday: Barbie v Oppenheimer

        Thursday: Throwback Thursday  

        Friday: Green & Gold 

Your childhood ice cream truck dreams can come true! 


Quote of the Week: 

This Week's Link:

Indigenous Peoples Day Rocks - Stowe, VT (THIS WEEKEND)



Senior Soccer Games and Senior athletes recognitions -  Tuesday & Wednesday - 4pm Upper Deck

Quarter 1 Grading Timeline


10/9 - Indigenous Peoples Day - No School

10/11 - PSAT Testing, In-School

10/13-14 - Homecoming & Bonfire

10/16 - Best Practice 

10/27 - Early Release, Grading

10/28 - Haunted High (Saturday)

11/16-18 - Fall Musical, Anastasia

11/20-21 - LSUU In-Service 


TA (Teacher Advisory) 

Links to activities and scripts for TA this week: 

Tuesday:  Flex sign up - Sign up through next Monday; Announcements

Friday: Likely a pep rally in the gym


Schoolwide Happenings: 

Guest Speaker Jim Carter in DE 

Prepping for Debate in Am Lit

9th Grade Science Collaboration with Wolcott Elementary - tree ID lesson

Renaissance Art Exhibit in World History



Another successful trip

Happy Birthday

Mark McNall  Oct. 12

Anne deVos  Oct. 17

Gabi Silva  Oct. 21


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