Community Meeting TA Tuesday

This is not my TA's submission for the photo selfie contest, although it looks a lot like our submission. (*Hopefully by posting this I have not disqualified my TA.) I've posted it partly because I like it and partly to help make a point about TA and school culture. The 'selfie contest' was a simple idea that originated from students. It shows students how their ideas can be valued and when initiated through proper planning and organization can become reality. The activity demonstrates to all students the creative and joyful spirit that we have at PA. It also shows how a fun and simple competition can quickly generate lots of positive energy and community sharing. Overall, this activity allows all of us to feel and experience how TA events can boost our culture without major planning. I look forward to more of these activities and ideas to further promote the strengths of our students and positive school culture....(because positive school culture enhances student learning and success in and out of the classroom). Thank you Marc for helping to spearhead this activity.  

Upcoming Dates: 

1/25- BP Library School Culture Focus
1/26 - TA Community Meeting
1/27 - Math Bridge Exam
2/4 - Early release data day (Math teachers score Bridge Exam)
2/5 - LSSU In-Service @ Stowe 8-4
2/5 - Poetry coffee house at PA library - 6-9 (see 12/7 post for details)
2/1 - MEA meeting - ratification
2/8 - BP with Bill Rich
2/13 - Polar Splash on Lake Elmore - Go Wolf Pack (WHO IS JUMPING this year!?!?!)
2/19 - Winter Carnival in the afternoon
2/20 - 3/3 - WINTER BREAK

Classroom Happenings....

PA & Quebec students 'breaking the ice' at the onset of their exchange last Friday.

Interesting Link:   The Difference That Standards-Based Grading Can Make
“The Association Between Standards-Based Grading and Standardized Test Scores As An Element of a High-School Reform Model” by Marty Pollio and Craig Hochbein in Teachers College Record, November 2015, available for purchase at


Paige Palmer & Tyler Shackett, 11th graders, will be attending the annual National TRIO Day Celebration in early February at the Sheraton Hotel in Burlington, VT. They were selected to represent PA and the JSC Upward Bound Program. The focus of the day is on college and career exploration. Wish them luck!

SAP update: Kayla Turner & Kevin Ballard recently spoke at the judicial committee in Montpelier during sessions focused on marijuana use and legalization. Here is a quote about one of our students who spoke to the committee:  "...thank you so much for having your teens voices heard. They were all powerful. Would they be willing to put / share their testimony in print? Can't wait to hear how the students meeting goes with Shap." - Debby Haskins; Executive Director

Happy Birthday:  Natalie Soffen (1/25) 


  1. Just thought of this regarding the TA selfies... Are those going to get shown at any point so all TAs can see them? I know my TA saw a couple, but aside from just submitting ours my kids didn't really see what all the other TAs came up with. Or should we just look through the folder on our own?

  2. Today is Natalie Soffen's birthday


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