March 14

Back seat view in the Driver Education car. 
Last week, I finally managed to get into the Driver Education car and go for a ride with Barb and two of her students. What a ride! I learned many things and confirmed my suspicion that I have a lot to learn and/or re-learn about driving. I also got a rare view (and reminder) into the challenges that come with sitting in both of those front seat positions that you can see in the above photo. These students, and the hundreds who have come before them, are getting a thorough, thoughtful, caring, and very personal education about far more than driving in this car. This trip was also a reminder of how much effort, creativity, and planing it takes all of you to meet the expectations and needs of your students and curriculum. Thank you Barb, and all of you, for doing the hard and thoughtful work that you do.

Upcoming Events: 

3.141592....    PI DAY
3/14 - BP (PBL w/ Bill Rich)
3/15 - ODWP testing
3/17-18 - 1 Act evening performance (Regional on 3/19)
3/17 - SBAC Training process starts
      3/22-3 -  SBAC test, Math training
3/21- BP Culture Focus
3/24- Early Release (ODWP scoring)
3/25 - Conferences
3/29 - TA Community Meeting
3/30 - SBAC Testing Begins
3/31 - Newport Music Festival
4/1 - April Fool's Day - No School
            (just kidding)
6/20-23 - Curriculum Camp
8/22-26 - Pre-School In-service 
8/29 - 1st day of school 2016-17

Co-Curricular Calendar - Spring Sports Practice starting today!

Tough 'heart breaking' playoff endings for our hockey players on both the girls and boys teams. But, they had great seasons and contributed significantly to their teams. 

Interesting article: “Technology and the New Professionalization ofTeaching” (This is long, but covers a lot of topics that folks have been talking about.)

Classroom Happenings

John Gailmor singing about community in World Geography
Cardio Tic Tac Toe

Hmm, what stop next....MOMA?....Gugenheim?...Broadway?

Art/Dance trip to NYC

Discussing the origins of the Civil War in Black History Class

This was left by a substitute in Bob Raymond's class. This is another sign of great school culture. 
3 French students sharing about a Canadian hockey star


Science Olympiad results: Out of 26 teams participating in 14 events we made it into the standings in 5 events (1 more than last year!), lacing the team higher than last year. The kids were amazing and had a ton of fun.

6th place "Disease Detectives" - Ashley Hill and Morgan Montminy
3rd place "It's About Time" - McKenna Black and Christof Beslile
2nd place "Air Trajectory" - Alex Bickart, Tyler Dunham, Emily Rogers, with Calvin Pease assisting Alex at the event
2nd place "Write It/Do It" - Elise Zilius and Emily McCormack

1st place "Invasive Species" - McKenna Montminy and Laura Bickart

Senior Ava Wright received the Comcast Leaders and Achievers scholarship award ($1000) for 2016 and attended an award ceremony last Wednesday at the State House with Governor Shumlin. She is 1 of 20 recipients statewide. Recipients are chosen on the basis of their community service, leadership skills, positive attitude and academic achievement.

9th grader Heather Walker (and several other Morrisville PAML students) plays for the local (Stowe) U14 Girls Hockey team. They won the State Championship on 3/5/2016 (Stowe's 1st ever).


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