March 21

Pi Day was awesome. Thanks to all who helped make the day a success, especially Bob Raymond and the Culture Committee. Seizing little opportunities like PI Day and using them to build culture, to make connections with academics and student lives, and to just have fun by mixing things up are hugely important events that cumulatively help make students more successful at PA and ultimately in life. The little things (which sometimes take a lot of work) really do matter.

Upcoming Events: 

3/22-3 -  SBAC Math training
3/21- BP Culture Focus
3/24- Early Release (ODWP scoring)
3/25 - Conferences
3/29 - TA Community Meeting
3/30 - SBAC Testing Begins
3/31 - Newport Music Festival
4/1 - April Fool's Day
6/20-23 - Curriculum Camp
8/22-26 - Pre-School In-service 
8/29 - 1st day of school 2016-17

Co-Curricular Calendar - Afternoon happenings

The inaugural meeting of the PAAC (Peoples Academy Athletic Council) occurred after school last week. In this photo they are working on communication and team work. 

Interesting Link:  10 Expectations

Classroom Happenings:

9th graders viewing and assessing each others Romeo & Juliet projects

Designing and building in Electric Car

Students and staff at the Queer Youth Leadership in Montpelier (representing our Q & A club)

9th grade science students working with VEEP (Vt Energy Education Program)


Congrats to Dave Gabaree and the PA Drama Club. Once again, they have advanced to the State Competition after a rousing performance at the Fairfax regional this past weekend. Individual acting recognition went to Sterling Anderson, Aiden Lodge, and Travis Nutting and costume design recognition to Faye Hannigan. Way to go and good luck.

The Science Olympiad Team....nice jerseys.

Displaying DSCN0278.JPG
1st Place 


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